
Unable to export data

VenoshVenosh Member Posts: 4
Hi, i tried exporting my data into excel numerous times but i have not received the email with link to download. Please look into this or if someone could assist, how long does it take to receive the data export email?



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    MananSafdarMananSafdar Member Posts: 1

    @Venosh I am facing same issue.

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    cvtancvtan Member Posts: 5

    I've had similar issues. Exporting of receipts works though. Hope they can take a look at this.

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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    @Venosh @MananSafdar @cvtan Could you confirm whether or not you are using a custom domain to send the export to? I feel like these cases are isolated since we have had any other reports of this happening recently, but I would be happy to further investigate this here. One thing also to check with you, have you checked your spam/junk folders to see if the export went there?

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    VenoshVenosh Member Posts: 4

    Hi @JamieD , the domain i sent to was gmail. i have tried a number of times, even today to export the data but there is no link sent to my email. I have checked the spam and junk folders as well. Nothing there.

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    ncfy717ncfy717 Member Posts: 1

    I am also facing exactly same issue - requested the data export a number of times, but the link/ email don't arrive in my email (gmail).

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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey everyone. This is a bit of a widespread issue with some of our users that have recently joined Wave, and are currently not in North America/in a Stripe country. As of right now, our engineering team is currently investigating the issue of you not being able to export your data (or receive that specific information needed). However, I am curious and willing to assist with what you need the exported data for. Some of the reports we have available to you are also able to be exported, so if you can go into detail of what exactly you need, I may be able to help in the meantime (until this issue gets resolved).

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    cvtancvtan Member Posts: 5

    Hi @JamieD, thanks for the update.

    In my case, I just want to download the detailed info of the receipts in an excel file, with the following information:
    Payment Account:

    As I have not seen such report else where, I was looking into the "Export All Transactions for Excel" if it is there, and that's when I encountered the issue.

    If such report that I am looking for currently exists, just let me know. Thanks!

    edited July 29, 2019
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    MyronMyron Member Posts: 143 admin

    Hi @cvtan , I'm afraid that a detailed report for receipts with the criteria you are describing does not exist. When you export your accounting data though, it does contain a file called "transactions". This file will contain all of your Wave transactions. If the receipts you uploaded have corresponding expense transactions posted to accounting, they will be listed in that file. The caveat here though is that those receipt expense transactions will be mixed in with all of your other Wave transactions. You will need to filter out each receipt expense transaction manually. Are you still experiencing issues with receiving the data export download? Our mail server sometimes erroneously marks certain email addresses as inactive, which stops the data export email from being delivered to you. If you are still unable to receive the data export download email, please send me a DM with the primary email you use for Wave. I'd be happy to take a closer look into the back end for you.

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    VenoshVenosh Member Posts: 4

    Hi @JamieD ,

    I am now able to export the data. Thank you so much for the prompt assistance. Much appreciated.


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    cvtancvtan Member Posts: 5

    Hi @JaimeD and @Myron,

    I am now able to export the data and it has the information I need. Thank you so much for working on this.


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    ralphhaibyralphhaiby Member Posts: 4

    @cvtan @Venosh hey guys, do you still remember how you solved this problem? I am facing the same now...

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    LambertLandryLambertLandry Member Posts: 2

    I am having the same issue. I tried to to export the Excel and CSV file and I have not received the link.

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    JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @LambertLandry !

    After doing some digging on the back end, it looks like you have received and opened your export email. If you are still having issues on your end, please let me know and I will gladly assist you further. :smile:

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    Good Morning Everyone. I am new to the Wave community and apologise in advance if I'm in the wrong area.
    I am based in the UK and am having to move our Wave account over to Zoho due to the Wave concentrating in the USA and Canada.
    My problem is that when I try to export our data I can only export Accounting, Bill_Items, Customers and vendors. but there is no data on the items at all being exported? The all the others are there?
    I would be really grateful if someone could assist me?

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    JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @FLEETPARTS , welcome to Wave!

    If you head to Settings > Other > Data Export, you can select your preferred Data Export file format. You will receive an email containing a compressed .zip file with various types of data from your Wave account. These will include your transactions, customers, receipts, bills, vendors, and invoices, all in a CSV format.

    You can also use Wave Connect to download transactional data, invoices, customer lists, etc, into a Google spreadsheet. Your excel files can be easily transferred into a Google spreadsheet as well. See this image below of what Wave Connect looks like:

    If you are looking for a Chart of Accounts export, I'm afraid that Wave does not offer this functionality within this version of the app I'm afraid. Sorry for the inconvenience.

    edited March 12, 2021
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    SanneSanne Member Posts: 1

    Hi, I'm also having this issue. I've tried changing the primary email address to a Gmail email too. I need to export the transactions so unfortunately the wave connect isn't working.

    Has anyone found a solution to this?

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