Limiting new users to have access to only one of my businesses

Seawolf6Seawolf6 Member Posts: 1

I have 3 businesses connected through 1 username. Can I add a new user to one of the businesses without them having access to the other 2?


  • MyronMyron Member Posts: 143 admin

    Hi @Seawolf6 , welcome to the Wave community! It is very nice to meet you. When you add a collaborator onto a business, it is specific that business only. The collaborator will not be able to have access to the other businesses in your Wave account unless you invite them to collaborate on those ones too. To set up a business specific collaborator, first switch to the desired business using the business selector menu in the top left hand corner of Wave. In the desired business, click Settings > User Management. On this menu, you will be prompted to choose the type of collaborator you wish to invite (a viewer, editor, admin, or payroll manager). Fill out the necessary fields in the form that follows and click Invite User when you are ready to send the invite.

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