
Custom Categories for receipts

GoatsGoats Member Posts: 1
I would love it is there was a way to add custom categories for what my expenses really are. Our business is with animals and we track food and medical expenses. Right now there is no category close to that.


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    MyronMyron Member Posts: 143 admin

    Hi @Goats , welcome to the Wave community! You can add custom accounts and categories by going to Accounting > Chart of Accounts and clicking the Add a New Account button in the top right hand corner of the page.

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    VenexianoVenexiano Member Posts: 3
    You gotta click the tab "expenses"
    edited December 31, 2020
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    VenexianoVenexiano Member Posts: 3
    Can you please solve a huge issue? The new added categories are not in alphabetic order but they are added to the end of the list! This in the Android app! Thank you
    edited January 14, 2021
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