
Collaborator audit trail.

NadeemNadeem Member Posts: 1

Is there a way to to know which collaborator added or amended a receipt/bill.


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    James_HudsonJames_Hudson Member Posts: 121 admin

    Hey Nadeem,

    There isn't currently an audit trail feature in Wave, but to work around this, I would recommend having your collaborator detail any amendments that are made in the "Notes" section of any receipts or bills that are changed!

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    CraigCraig Member Posts: 1

    Hi James. Is the collaborator audit feature part of your road map. This would be a very useful feature.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Craig.

    Can you give me a bit more detail on how you would use a feature like this, in the specific context of your business? If this feature existed, what would it look like to you?

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    audrey877audrey877 Member Posts: 1

    I would like that feature as well. with collaborators especially since if someone edited an invoice or changed any transactions amounts, I'm able to know who has done it (e.g embezzling of funds)

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    Lisa_AshbyLisa_Ashby Member Posts: 7

    I concur. Audit is very important for any accounting software. Hope this can be implemented very soon.

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    SakshiSakshi Member Posts: 5 admin

    Hi @Lisa_Ashby , Thank you for reaching out. We've received multiple requests for an audit trail feature and we have it in our roadmap. However, we are not sure yet when that will come up.

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    janchavsjanchavs Member Posts: 2

    Hello, wondering how far this is on the horizon, my specific use case doesn't need a fancy audit function, just a simple text log that records what has changed, when, and by whom would be absolutely fantastic :)

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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @janchavs -- still no ETA as to when this will be available to our users, but when we do have a clearer idea of what that's going to look like and when, we will be sure to let everyone know.

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    fritzel231fritzel231 Member Posts: 1

    Since Wave gives me as Admin authority to add other users to my business profile,
    how can I check who removed and corrected the payment on an invoice? How do you see who sent an estimate to the client? Who deleted the line item on an invoice,estimate, or bill? is there a way that enables me to access these logged in details of my users?

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    EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hey @fritzel231! I have merged your post with a thread that has similar questions to yours. As you can see, you are not the only one that is curious about this! At this time we do not have a feature that allows you to track or view who is making changes in your Wave account. However, we do have this on our road-map! At this stage I do not have an ETA to provide.

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    NenepilNenepil Member Posts: 3

    Hello, I’m new to wave, and I’m loving it so far… but I think it would be nice that when I invite a new user to my account, beside selecting the role of the user, I could select the editors permissions, for example, in Accounting I could select to give “full permission” (to add, edit or delete transactions) or just “mid permission” (to only add and edit transactions but no deleting) or “low permission” (to only add transactions but not edit or delete transactions).... By that last one, the user could just add incomes or expenses to the accounts but could not edit or erase operations, and if the user makes a mistake, he or she would have to notify the admin so he can correct it…. that would prevent embezzlement of funds… =) Thanks

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    EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Nenepil! Thanks for reaching out and a warm welcome to Wave! I'm so glad to hear you are enjoying Wave so far! Thanks for the feedback here. It is great to see how you like the collaborator function to work and why it is important to you. At this stage we do not have any immediate plans to change this, but having the details here helps to provide us with some good insight for the future! If you have any further questions we are happy to help :)

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    chriswaygchriswayg Member Posts: 17

    Wave has been very useful and easy to use for us. We are currently running two projects on Wave and are starting on a third, but will have to shift to a different provider as Wave is lacking any kind of logging features. It is impossible to see who changed what and it is also difficult to trace my own actions, as there is no chronological change-log for any of the entered data.

    @Alexia You were asking how we (would) use that feature. On Quickbooks Online , which we use for a Non-Profit, we sometimes have to correct mistakes, when volunteers enter data incorrectly. Also we use it to check what was the last thing entered, when doing a stack of receipts for example. Without audit log, I have to be extremely restrictive on who to allow access to the system, as it is almost impossible to notice accidental deletions (for example) in a timely manner.

    Your responses here show there is no ETA for this feature even after at least 18 months of discussion about it. Can you not at least provide a raw log of user actions?

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    ChelseaKChelseaK Member Posts: 261 ✭✭

    @chriswayg Thanks for sharing details on why having a collaborator audit trail would be useful for your non-profit. In a couple of weeks, when the authority on this is back in the office, we will be updating this thread with more information about whether this feature is on the immediate product roadmap. We just want to make sure we have the full scoop before we say anything! Thanks for your patience in the meantime.

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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @chriswayg . I can appreciate exactly where you're coming from with the need to track volunteers, and I thank you for sharing the needs and workflow of your business. With that being said, I've talked to the product team about this and to be fully transparent, we have no current plans to implement a log of user/collaborator activity in Wave anytime soon.

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    chriswaygchriswayg Member Posts: 17

    Thanks for the clear response @AlexL . The lack of logging/auditing will really limit our use of Wave.

    edited September 27, 2019
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    NenepilNenepil Member Posts: 3

    @Nenepil said:
    Hello, I’m new to wave, and I’m loving it so far… but I think it would be nice that when I invite a new user to my account, beside selecting the role of the user, I could select the editors permissions, for example, in Accounting I could select to give “full permission” (to add, edit or delete transactions) or just “mid permission” (to only add and edit transactions but no deleting) or “low permission” (to only add transactions but not edit or delete transactions).... By that last one, the user could just add incomes or expenses to the accounts but could not edit or erase operations, and if the user makes a mistake, he or she would have to notify the admin so he can correct it…. that would prevent embezzlement of funds… =) Thanks

    Hello again, I have an idea that is simpler and probably it might not take too much time to implement... when you go into Accounting/Transactions you can see the list of all of your transactions, when you click any of them and see the details there is the option of "mark as reviewed" if you click it the tickbox goes green... could you just make that when it goes green it blocks that transaction by the user who clicked it and none of the other users could edit or delete it? (not even the picture of the receipt). And in the case that someone wants to edit, they would have to call the person that blocked it so that he has to click "mark as unreviewed".... Hope its possible, Thanks

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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Nenepil . I think this is a great idea for the product team to consider. As I said mentioned about a month ago in my above, we don't have any plans to add any sort of iteration of an audit trail for collaborators. This is definitely an interesting feature that I'm sure the product team would be happy to read over when deciding how to make future improvements, so thanks for adding to the conversation!

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    NenepilNenepil Member Posts: 3

    Yes thanks, and if they make the "mark as reviewed" tickbox of different colors according to the user that blocked it with a mouse over that shows the user name it would be perfect... hehehe Best regards

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    YoniYTDYoniYTD Member Posts: 1

    Hi there!
    We have several users working on the same account. We were curious to know if there was a way to see who entered what information (expenses, incoming, notes, etc....?


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    EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hi @YoniYTD! Great question! I've merged your post with an ongoing thread about this topic. At the moment we don't have a feature that can track user activity. Hopefully this is something we can look to offer in the future!

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    CambridgeMakersCambridgeMakers Member Posts: 7

    An audit trail is almost a legal requirement in the UK, in other words if the Tax or revenue services investigated me they would be very suspicious if I could not produce an audit trail. They would certainly make my life a lot more difficult during the investigation. I had always assumed all accounting packages would have a trail. I am now rather alarmed wave does not. I will have to re-consider using wave in the future.

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    HolCarHolCar Member Posts: 20

    Still no audit trail...

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    sagageesagagee Member Posts: 2

    It is a must have, audit trail by any chance team waveapps working on it.? Thanks

    edited September 2, 2020
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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @sagagee

    At this time we haven't been informed of whether this is coming down the pipeline for future updates :disappointed:

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    CorCor Member Posts: 7

    I just started using Wave, and we have discussed this very thing. We made an account with the business email address, but then we invited the treasurer as an admin user. We discussed adding others with lower editor/view permissions. Aside from those we restrict permissions to, having separate users is almost useless without tracking activity by user. It would be handy if Wave simply logged:

    • creation date/time and user who created transactions, bills, and invoices
    • last modified date/time (currently exists) and user who last modified transactions, bills and invoices.
      Rather than just showing the last modified date and time, show the modified by user and the creation date/time and user as well. That would be the simplest and easiest to implement.

    Why do we want this? It reminds us who else has access to certain things in Wave. It tells us who else has their hands in the pot and is changing things. If we have questions about something, we know who to go to. If things go awry, it makes it possible to know exactly who did it.

    Certainly, others may wish for an audit trail of every change made, although that would certainly require a lot more development to add.

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