
Recurring Billing



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    HollicoHollico Member Posts: 1

    I too would find this feature very useful. Currently using Quickbooks, which I would love to drop, which has a memorized transaction feature.

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    Chastity_SneedChastity_Sneed Member Posts: 1

    Yes, could we PLEASE add this feature. It is a pain to go in each month and add these bills when we can check the "recurring" box and have it automatically generated for you for however long you are needing it. Thank you sooo much!

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    CharlieGCharlieG Member Posts: 1

    Is there any way we can please, please, pleaseeeee add the reoccurring bill feature? I've signed up with other platforms just now just because this is important to me. The whole reason I signed up to Wave is so I can track my bills in addition to invoices. It was a headache doing it myself with my excel sheet. I decided to leave the other platforms because they're just not user-friendly or intended for creatives. Wave is literally the best platform I've seen this far for what I'm trying to accomplish and it's tedious and a headache to have to duplicate each bill and not see a calculation of how much I'm paying each month. Please let me know if there's a way this can be implemented and a way to show documentation of how much total I'm paying in bills per month.

    Thanks so much again!!!

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    brian_arens_1brian_arens_1 Member Posts: 1


    I want to add a HUGE plus 1 to the idea of getting a recurring expense feature added to the platform. I'm not a programmer, but it seems like it should be a pretty simple thing to do - and given what a basic and vital feature it is to so many of your users, I would think it would be pretty easy to make a case for it as a priority.

    I'm new to Wave and I would love to migrate away from Freshbooks but at the moment the lack of this feature is holding me back. I have dozens of expenses that occur like clockwork every month and it would take an enormous amount of time to manually duplicate and edit them every 4 weeks.

    PLEASE Wave - listen to your users and add this oh-so-important feature to your product!!


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    GugoMGugoM Member Posts: 1

    +1 on recurring expenses

    Just started using wave today, really like it, but THIS is troubling.

    Wondering what is taking priority over this? Seems like a such a foundational accounting concept.
    Can we get a commitment or ETA on this?

    Thanks much in advance.

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    Cay_MarketingCay_Marketing Member Posts: 1

    This is a feature that is GREATLY needed, another vote added.

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    AppFactoryTOAppFactoryTO Member Posts: 1

    Hi, I am Wave Accounting's newest user! .... and I am totally bummed that Wave does not have reoccurring expenses whereas Quickbooks does - https://www.goshenbookkeepingcc.com/blog/create-a-recurring-expense-in-qbo

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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi everyone, thank you for your continued feedback here. The more we know about your specific use case and exactly what this would help you with (besides the obvious), the more insight we have into how this feature would benefit our users. To be fully transparent, at the moment this feature isn't on our short-term roadmap, but we'll be sure to update you if this changes.

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    PixelinerPixeliner Member Posts: 1

    K I should have checked if this featured existed before wasting hours adding vendors and invoices. Come on this feature should be priority! Recurring billings and invoices is a major part of accounting...

    Also I don't want to sound like a douche, but implementing recurring billings shouldn't take longer than a week. 1 day planning, 3 days implementing + unit tests, 3 days tests. The fact that you have recurring invoices, I hope architectural wise you made it so you can use it for billing too.

    Anyways, I truly hope to see it within the next month. Cause else I'll be wasting days adding each bill of the previous 5 years.

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    springforthfarmncspringforthfarmnc Member Posts: 5

    I would also REALLY like to have the ability to create recurring expenses (bills). How would this help me? Well, I have a few recurring expenses that are the same each month (examples would be utilities, rent, loan payments) and it would be nice for me to be able to automate their entry. Any time I can spend doing less data entry is a big win for me. I think many Wave users would find this feature very helpful.

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    EntWorksEntWorks Member Posts: 3

    Seriously. It's absurd to call yourself accounting software without the ability to project expenses because we can't input reoccurring bills. You NEED to implement this feature, until then we can't move our accounting to this and you are literally missing out on hundred of transactions from us monthly.

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    ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey all,

    Thank you again for your feedback in this thread. Once again, I'd like to reiterate Alex's post above, wherein he states that this is not something that is a priority for Wave to build into the platform at present. I do apologize for the inconvenience this causes your workflow, with regards to having your recurring bills taken care of by the Wave environment. For now, we will need to stick to uploading these bills as they come.

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    whispering_yogawhispering_yoga Member Posts: 1

    I vote for implementing this feature too - I was searching for it just now...it will be very useful, and will make the process easier for us. Thanks

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    gwdgwd Member Posts: 1

    Just wanted to comment that I planned on switching to Wave this weekend but have chosen to continue to PAY quickbooks because this feature is considered 100% necessary. Huge time save.

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    EntWorksEntWorks Member Posts: 3

    Bottom line: its not just a time save. Accounting projections needs to account for future expenses as well. Also, reminders are nice. Come on, so many people are requesting this feature. Just do it!

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    SheynkSheynk Member Posts: 2

    Another hand up here. Users have been asking for this for years now. The last open thread on this was 6 pages: https://community.waveapps.com/discussion/1055/feature-request-recurring-bills/p6 and you guys deleted/merged the one before that.

    The answer has always been the same: "not a priority right now"

    How many users would need to request this in order to make it into the roadmap?

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    rcbrcb Member Posts: 1

    Hi guys at Wave,

    Just wanted to join the threat and add my interest for the "Recurring Expense Billing" feature. This will make things much easier but thanks for the great app! :smiley:

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    EntWorksEntWorks Member Posts: 3

    Clearly this company does not listen to its customers. Therefore we are walking away.

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    PamSPPamSP Member Posts: 3

    Getting a recurring expense feature is pretty important.

    Most overheads these days - from utility bills to software licensing and web hosting charges - are paid by direct debit. The whole concept of a getting a bill, inputting that, paying it and marking it as paid is now a bit outdated in terms of this type of expenditure.

    I want to be able to set up recurring expense payments which takes into account the fact that the first direct debit payment is often higher, sometimes the price will go up (say prices are raised) or down (say switching to a different plan) and also there is usually a different final payment at the end of a plan.

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    ADKADK Member Posts: 1

    Just wanted to add my support to this growing group that Recurring Expense Billing is a requirement. I too have to manual add several bills monthly which is tedious and ripe for errors, not to mention future forecasting is missing these key data points.

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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Thank you all for the continued public outreach about this feature. We understand how useful it would be however our developers have yet to implement a feature like this. We don't have an ETA. My apologies once again. But don't stop your posts!

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    KVDBKVDB Member Posts: 1

    Honestly unbelievable that this isn't possible. This makes the program a toy or an app in alfa stage. There seems to be no intend of implementation in the near future. Going to use other software. Good luck!

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    GiannaGianna Member Posts: 1


    My son has moved our business over to Wave after his feature request for duplicate invoicing was implemented. Now, I believe for the same reasons as that was green-lit, there should be some expediency for recurring bills.

    In EVERY business, not just niche specialty businesses, there are going to be monthly debit orders. The auto-deduction from contracts that don't change has to be a priority feature request of Wave. It makes the bank reconcilliation very easy to match up with a recurring bill, in the same way that a recurring invoice to customers & their payment does.

    This must be a community up-voted request & I urge you to ask the development team if they don't see the sensibility of it. My son assures me that it is a very easy implementation and since I have seen this as a feature request for many years now, it's about time that this makes its way to the KANBAN project board!

    Thank you,

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    RJ2020RJ2020 Member Posts: 1

    I just started the entrepreneur world, so one of my biggest concern was looking for a simple, inexpensive accounting software. First I started with Freshbooks, which I love, but is no free, not expensive, but not free. I stopped my trial with them, and started a wave account because someone in youtube was promoting it. I deeply regret doing so, I honestly rather pay $10 a month, and save myself a lot of time in the long run, than to just add every single month the recurring expenses. I'm switching back to Freshbooks.

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    LiamLiam Member Posts: 1
    I’m not sure there’s many more reasons I can add to why this is a much needed feature. It seems like such a basic function that should be in the app, it seems strange the feature is still not even in the shortlist.

    While I understand not every feature can be implemented into an app, and that features take time to develop - this seems like a no-brainer.

    Can you at least offer some insight as to why it’s still not a priority? What’s a higher priority? What’s preventing it from moving higher in the to-do list?

    Additionally, I’d ask what prioritised recurring invoices over recurring expenses. If it’s expected businesses want to send recurring invoices, is it not expected that businesses pay recurring expenses/invoices? In one way you’re saying that clients/customers of users of Wave should never be a client/customer of Wave.

    From a technical perspective, it doesn’t seem like such an outrage request it should take upwards of 6 years to be implemented.
    edited May 5, 2020
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    OmeedOmeed Member Posts: 1

    I would also like to see the recurring bill feature added. I pay some expenses on my personal credit card and have to add them in monthly or yearly (for many hours). Please add this feature!

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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hello all,

    We very much appreciate and value your opinions here and continue to encourage that you submit them to this thread. At this present moment, no updates on recurring billing. Once we get word whether this will come down the pipeline we will update you all!

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    RonljtechRonljtech Member Posts: 2

    I absolutely agree this should be something added.
    Its unfortunate its still not on the road map considering the amount of demand their is alone here on this forum.

    I will say its good to see at least there has been acknowledgement from Wave on this

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    markisparkimarkisparki Member Posts: 5


    Why is this not on Wave's road-map @AlexL and @ConnorM and @BarsinA ? It would seem that there is a clear - and long standing - voice rising from Wave users to implement this, stretching back over years.

    Also, some of the comments make it clear that people are walking away from Wave. That must be of concern, surely?

    I would have thought that in this day and age with so many fixed and regular outgoings being part of daily life for businesses that this would be a big win for you to implement.

    Can you give us any rationale as to why this is not on your road-map?

    (It would be fun to see what is on the road-map, actually - is there a link where we can see an official one, so we can up-vote and down-vote what is on it?)

    Appreciate you guys. Thanks for this product.

    edited June 9, 2020
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