
Recurring Billing



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    CalliePCallieP Member Posts: 439 admin

    Hi @markisparki , thanks for your comment.

    The reason this has not yet been something on Wave's roadmap is largely due to a huge back-end migration from our previous accounting platform to our new one, which we have been navigating over the past 2-ish years. The result is that the Accounting products, such as Bills, have had limitations in terms of what can be added to them, as we reached our capacity to innovate further on our old platform. Migration and other fundamental backend changes were necessary to allow us to provide feature improvements beyond what currently exists. These are backend tasks that we don’t always share in the community, but are the reason some feature ideas have not and could not be implemented to date.

    Now that migration on the accounting platform is complete, we have started to make some updates, starting with our core Accounting feature, the transactions page, which you can view previews of here. While recurring billing is not currently on the product's road map now, it does not mean that it won't be reconsidered. Our Product Managers use the Community as a great place for gathering data on the wants and needs of our business owners, and I want to assure you that we are taking your feedback (and the feedback of others who would like to see this implemented) into account.

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    pcastlebergpcastleberg Member Posts: 4

    Since the old thread, that had numerous requests for this feature and spanned the 2+ years you referenced above was closed I'll re-add my support for this feature here. We run 3 different companies on Quickbooks and the lack of this feature is all that is preventing us from migrating to WAVE. I think Wave might be surprised how much business they lose because of the lack of this feature.

    I keep checking back in, hoping it's been added, but it's lack is a deal breaker for my bookkeeper, so I keep paying for QB instead of bringing my business to Wave.

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    ElysiaElysia Member Posts: 1

    I literally migrated over to Waves in January... only to have the bank link feature removed and once I'd transferred ALL my invoices from my old accounting software to Waves, I discovered there was no recurring bill option.

    Can you please advise when this will be coming? As a sole trader, I'm happy to pay for a service that takes out the extra admin. I don't want to have to change software again.

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    holof60290holof60290 Member Posts: 1

    Quite confused as CallieP said "recurring billing is not currently on the product's road map" but on that thread, Samd said on the May 24, 2019: "I know a lot of you have been waiting for a long time, and this is something we're actively looking into!"...

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    SheynkSheynk Member Posts: 2

    @holof60290 said:
    Quite confused as CallieP said "recurring billing is not currently on the product's road map" but on that thread, Samd said on the May 24, 2019: "I know a lot of you have been waiting for a long time, and this is something we're actively looking into!"...

    People have been asking for this for years. There are dozens of pages and closed threads. Someone is always "actively looking into it" - but they never get around to it. The admins/mods are always very responsive but on this specific issue there seems to be a philosophical reason as people have certainly have asked enough.

    The technical excuse that this feature can't be built over a multi-year year period is hard to believe.

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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @holof60290 @Sheynk

    I appreciate the digging you've done to bring to light some previous promises that may have been made in out system. Truth be told, Wave had to undergo a major overhaul through a double migration (moving all of our users from the old version of Wave account to the new, as well as migrating our users from an old invoicing system to new). This has delayed a lot of our developers initial releases and other features and I sincerely apologize for this. A lot times our engineering team has had to abandon some previous updates in order to push users to our new platforms which would allow us to provide consistent updates moving forward. We're still at the tail end of this and we greatly appreciate your patience and dedication to Wave's free platform.

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    DooveDoove Member Posts: 1

    just adding my voice to this - recurring expenses would be a great feature to see here. Manually adding duplicates is a proper faff...

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    GoliGoli Member Posts: 1

    @BarsinA said:
    Hey there @holof60290 @Sheynk

    I appreciate the digging you've done to bring to light some previous promises that may have been made in out system. Truth be told, Wave had to undergo a major overhaul through a double migration (moving all of our users from the old version of Wave account to the new, as well as migrating our users from an old invoicing system to new). This has delayed a lot of our developers initial releases and other features and I sincerely apologize for this. A lot times our engineering team has had to abandon some previous updates in order to push users to our new platforms which would allow us to provide consistent updates moving forward. We're still at the tail end of this and we greatly appreciate your patience and dedication to Wave's free platform.

    Hi Barsin,

    May thanks for your answer.

    Good luck to the developers to bring more powerful features to the amazing Wave platform :)

    It is a wonderful free platform, unbeatable at the moment.


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    kennyCKPLkennyCKPL Member Posts: 2

    +1 for recurring bills. Please....

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    AYGAYG Member Posts: 1

    Please! Recurring bills would make a huge difference.

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    jtysonjtyson Member Posts: 1

    Putting in my two cents as well. I have a monthly bills for website hosting, cell phone, rent, etc. that are always the same amount each month. This would be a nice feature to have.

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    EBrooksEBrooks Member Posts: 2

    I just signed up for this product a month and a half ago, primarily choosing it over quickbooks because of the lower price point. I have spend hours connecting accounts, importing information, and setting this up for seamless transitions over the coming months. I started on bills this morning.

    The time it takes to duplicate my bills every month is not worth the cost savings from the competitors. In researching this today I see several threads with this issue. If this is not on the road-map I would rather cancel my membership now before more hours are wasted on set-up and use of this product just to wind up with another.

    Is your comment about this not being on the road-map, despite your clarification that your 2+ years of integration is complete, to mean that you do not even have plans of developing this? I just want to know the reality so I can make my business decisions. Thank You.

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    CalliePCallieP Member Posts: 439 admin

    Hi @EBrooks , thanks for your question here. Right now, this is not something that's on our road map, but that doesn't mean it will never happen - it is possible that it will be added to the road map at some point. To be totally transparent, if it is a pressing issue for your business, I would say that we can say with reasonable assurance that this will not be worked on soon, so if you want to wait it out for the possibility, awesome - but if not, then that's also fair.

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    EBrooksEBrooks Member Posts: 2

    @CallieP - I appreciate your honesty and transparency. In fact, it is refreshing. Currently my re-curing bills are not too many. I will try to use the duplicate feature and see if that works. The payroll is set up and I have only done one payroll, but it was flawless and your company assisted in ensuring it was properly set up. I'm going to see if I can make it work because of your candid response. But if my bills get too large in number I might have to go elsewhere. Hopefully by that point your team reevaluates this feature and can put something in play. (FYI, since accounting is free, this is a feature I would even pay for).

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    WhataccountsWhataccounts Member Posts: 1

    This request has been asked since last year - is there any chance Wave can do it? I have another 18months or recurring billing (Not sales) and the lack of this feature is causing issues exactly as everyone has stated above - no good responding that it's on a list when it needs doing. Please confirm whether it will be here soon? thanks very much.

    edited August 14, 2020
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    Mrs_SparkleMrs_Sparkle Member Posts: 5
    Any progress on this? I manage my wife's cleaning company and insurance and bank fees are annoying to manually enter.

    Thanks! I love this accounting platform
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    PatrickGPatrickG Member Posts: 1

    Another vote for recurring billing please! This is a simple and basic feature that any accounting package needs. As this thread and several others like it testify, its a significant time waster for a lot of people not having this available. Come on Wave. Deliver on what your community needs please.

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    OctaOcta Member Posts: 1

    Im interested in this feature. A real turn off... was excited about wave but this duplicate method is a bit pants.

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    WCCWCC Member Posts: 9

    Another vote for recurring billing please .... it would save me much time to not have to re-enter data each month for expenses that stay the same (e.g. office rent).

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    SMBCloudwareSMBCloudware Member Posts: 1

    This is such an obvious feature and one that for years I've been waiting to see if Wave ever comes to seeing it implemented.

    It's such a needed tool that would greatly expand Wave tools and its customers ability. Right now I use wave, love it but hate they don't have a simple recurring billing solution. You can start with copying Moonclerks basic functions (which I use now)... even if your current recurring billing allowed for customer to input CC, and it just charges them per month...no need for sending email, and having customer hit accept,yes or deal with it...and once CC is in, the option to turn emailing that invoice (on/ff) or not would be a start. (start small and work your way up)

    I have lots of microservices $12/mth, $5/mth, and some $78.33 and some $800/mth etc... moonclerk is just so dumb and easy to create specialty recurring plans for individual or group of clients. If you look at their pricing, the stagger grow it as you transact more... my bill with them is currently $75/mth and i happily pay it...and I would happily pay Wave if they cloned this as Wave invoice/bookkeeping features are awesome.

    Also the above mentioned is not unique to me but to millions of freelancers and businesses.

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    YNotSGYNotSG Member Posts: 2

    It would be nice if there was a feature for us to set up recurring bills that automatically generate a "bill" to be paid for small items like Google Hosting, subscriptions etc....

    edited September 15, 2020
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    AlexWAlexW Member Posts: 1

    I have just started experimenting with Wave and I am amazed that recurring costs does not seem to be available yet. When I try to duplicate a bill I just get an error message. Absurd waste of time to have to manually re-enter upwards of 30 of these transactions every month. Hopefully there is some fix in the pipeline

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    flyingcheeseheadflyingcheesehead Member Posts: 1

    Yet another vote for recurring bills/expenses! I don't understand how this isn't on the road map. This is a version 1.0 feature that has been a part of literally EVERY other accounting package I've ever used. This should be done before any dashboards or other fluff that looks cool but doesn't do the basic task of accounting.

    An accounting system without recurring bills is like one of those terrible old web sites that had the fancy flash animations and graphics all over but then didn't have the information you went there for in the first place.

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    jbryanhjbryanh Member Posts: 1

    Another vote for this. Pretty basic feature.

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    njpnjp Member Posts: 0

    I'm sure this has been put in and discussed before but here's another vote for it. I've been waiting for over a year and a half, following another popular thread on this (and have used Wave for over 2 years) and the most tedious aspect of my accounting is putting in my recurring expenses of which most are the same every month. I've missed adding expenses when I've caught up on my bookkeeping 2 or 3 months later, and it's consuming a lot of time to double-check the transactions for ALL of my recurring expenses (I'm having to keep a separate checklist of them to make sure). This could all be abolished with such a simple feature - I'm unaware of the complexities behind implementing it but there must be a reason behind the scenes why it's not being implemented.

    Please help!!!

    edited October 6, 2020
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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @njp , I've added your comment to this discussion as another +1. Feel free to read through for examples of workarounds in the time being!

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    Jordan4444Jordan4444 Member Posts: 1

    Adding another vote. Didn't realize this wasn't available; am testing out Wave for two businesses and this is likely a deal-breaker for me

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    MyWebGuyMyWebGuy Member Posts: 1

    Just adding my vote, this feature would be incredible!

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    MGC_MitchMGC_Mitch Member Posts: 2

    Please also notify me once this has been developed it's such a chore to duplicate bills every month I'm sure even if you brought it out as a premium feature people wouldn't mind paying a fee as it is currently so tedious.

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    CamRCamR Member Posts: 1

    Any updates on Wave creating a recurring feature for expenses (e.g. monthly bills)? This would save a lot of time. TY

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