Error when saving

LemaLema Member Posts: 3

I have an account that operates a currency different from the business currency. However, when I try to save or edit a transaction under that account I get the classic error message There was an error saving. I am able to save transactions on the other accounts. I have also cleared the cache. Please help


  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Lema . When you say account, is this an account listed in your Chart of Accounts that's operating in a different currency? Can you send me a screenshot of the transaction itself with the transaction window open so I can take a further look?

  • LemaLema Member Posts: 3


    I also did an inspection in my brower using Chrome Developer Tools and the reason it gives for the error is {"is_valid":false,"errors":[["Ensure that there are no more than 0 decimal places."]]}

    Here is the request payload

    {"transactions":[{"active":true,"anchor_line_item":{"guid":"748912699391423284","order":0,"amount":{"transaction":{"currency":{"code":"USD","symbol":"$","name":"U.S. dollar","plural":"U.S. dollars"},"value":"500","formatted_string":"$0.00"},"account":null,"business":null},"item_type":{"value":1,"display_name":"Credit"},"account_guid":"729377505819046211","account_sub_group":{"value":0,"display_name":"Cash and Bank"},"account_currency":{"code":"USD","symbol":"$","name":"U.S. dollar","plural":"U.S. dollars"},"categorization_type":"Other","account_group":{"value":0,"display_name":"Asset"},"account_name":"Easy Matatu Ltd","meta":"","description":null,"tax_liability_summary":{"base_line_item_amount":{"currency":{"code":"USD","symbol":"$","name":"U.S. dollar","plural":"U.S. dollars"},"value":"0.00","formatted_string":"$0.00"},"tax_liability_total":{"currency":{"code":"USD","symbol":"$","name":"U.S. dollar","plural":"U.S. dollars"},"value":"0.00","formatted_string":"$0.00"},"tax_liabilities":[],"tax_calculation_errored":false},"tax_liabilities":[],"customer_id":null,"vendor_id":null,"customer_eligible":false,"vendor_eligible":false,"tax_eligible":true,"categorization_context":{"value":0,"display_name":"Business"},"tax_action":null,"is_matched":false},"business_id":"03386b71-f804-4106-94d4-84817a544a7a","date":"2019-08-19","date_created":"2019-08-19T05:13:15.097106Z","description":"Cash Withdrawal","direction":{"value":1,"display_name":"Withdrawal"},"guid":"748912699240428339","line_items":[{"account_guid":"Transfer::Auto::729364767659078136","account_name":"Cash on Hand","amount":{"transaction":{"currency":{"code":"USD","symbol":"$","name":"U.S. dollar","plural":"U.S. dollars"},"value":"500","formatted_string":"$0.00"},"account":null,"business":null},"customer_id":null,"vendor_id":null,"description":null,"guid":"748912699399811893","item_type":{"value":0,"display_name":"Debit"},"meta":"","order":1,"tax_liabilities":[],"tax_action":null}],"notes":"","origin":{},"sequence":1,"transaction_type":{"value":0,"display_name":"Anchor"},"transaction_status":{"value":1,"display_name":""},"merged":null}]}
    edited August 20, 2019
  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @Lema. I've gone ahead and sent you a support ticket email so that we can look into this a bit further. Let me know when you get a chance to respond there so we can get to the bottom of this.

  • LemaLema Member Posts: 3

    I've sent through a response. Thanks.

  • Katie_WaveKatie_Wave Administrator, Moderator Posts: 24 admin

    Hi @Lema ! We've released a fix on our end which should allow you to enter and save transactions to this account moving forward.

    Thanks for reaching out to our team to let us know, and please don't hesitate to follow up with us here in the Forum if you have any other feedback or questions about Wave.

  • myrelmyrel Member Posts: 2

    Hello @Katie_Wave, @AlexL & @JamieD,
    I also have a similar problem. I run my business in Rwandan Francs and cannot input figures with 2 decimal places in accounting transactions.

    edited February 26, 2020
  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @myrel

    Unfortunately our system does not allow you to enter several decimal places. In my example I entered a large figure and you can see that it generates a commas in the usual spots. Sadly this is not customizable in our system.

  • myrelmyrel Member Posts: 2

    Hey @BarsinA , thanks for responding.
    Is that to say i can't account for cents in wave? see example below:
    i tried to add an expense of RWF 12500.50 and got the error. however, in a separate business in ghana cedis, i can record such an expense equivalent to GHS 72.73 or $13.37

    cc: @AlexL @JamieD @Katie_Wave

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @myrel , I've reached out to our team to let them know about the issue and they do want to say thank you for putting this on their radar. To be fully transparent, this isn't something that will most likely be fixed in the near future but the has noted it for the future.

    Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

    edited March 27, 2020
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