
Point a new connected account to an existing bank/CC in the chart of accounts?

sbright527sbright527 Member Posts: 7

Hi all-
I have an existing credit card/liability account in my chart of accounts, with about 6 months of data in it. When I decided to connect that credit card to automatically download transactions though, it creates a brand new credit card account, and won't let me point the downloads to the pre-existing account.

Am I missing how to do this? Or is there a way to merge the two, or move the old data over to the newly connected account (without having to manually re-categorize six months of info)? I didn't realize I needed to connect first, and THEN import old data from my old program.

Thanks for the advice!


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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @sbright527

    If you created manual uploads in our system, and then connected your bank account, it will create a different account as it's referencing a new connection here. Unfortunately, our system won't allow you bulk move transactions into a new account, only bulk categorize. What you should do is go to your transactions page, select the old account from the drop down menu and it should only pull up your old transactions. You can then open one at a time and move them into the new account in the transactions detail menu that pops up from the right hand side.

    I understand it's a bit of a cumbersome task, so my apologies for the workaround! Hope this helps. Have a great weekend!

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    sbright527sbright527 Member Posts: 7

    That's too bad. But thanks for confirming. I think I'll manually enter all of the old info into the new account. Somehow that massive tasks seems less cumbersome than having two separate accounts forevermore. I may mutter some bad words about Wave while I do all that manual data entry, but I'll still like y'all again later. ;)

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    AmandaKAmandaK Member Posts: 73 admin

    @sbright527 Muttering bad words is completely understandable, and glad to hear that Wave will still come up on top in the end ;)

    If it's helpful, https://open.spotify.com/playlist/58XeYrchKRT19Mv2TQbSoO? is one of my favourite Spotify playlists for powering through things - good luck with the data entry and know that we're rooting for you!!!

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