Can Payments By Wave process transaction and conversions in foreign currencies?
I'm asking these questions to determine how similar Payments By Wave is to Stripe.
I'd like to receive payments from clients in Trinidad. They're paying me in TTD (Trinidadian dollars). Both my business and bank account are American.
In particular, does it accept TTD (Trinidad and Tobago Dollar)?
If so, can I present prices in TTD and settle in (i.e. convert into) USD before depositing funds as I can with Stripe?
If so, are there fees or limits on the amounts I can convert or deposit, daily, weekly, monthly or otherwise?
My main concern is that I want to know what limits or conditions I may face with this approach.
Much appreciated.
Hi @NewMember.
Wave doesn't allow you to receive payments unless the currency of your business and the currency of your invoice matches. Your clients could still pay you via credit card from an account in TTD, but your invoices would have to be in USD. The money will be deposited in your account as USD, and merchant fees will automatically be accounted for.
You can find out more about the payment process and the fees here. Our fees for credit card transactions are actually the exact same as Stripe.
As for limits on amounts, there are none. You can process as much money as your business needs.
Let me know if you have any other questions!