
Invoice integration with a website?

doughboydoughboy Member Posts: 14

I have a website where people can create an account. I would like to be able to call Wave from the website to create and schedule an invoice for the new account. Is this possible? Maybe an invoice API?


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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @doughboy

    So unfortunately the only thing you can do is use our CHECKOUTS feature which allows you create a product link which you can embed and sell on your website.

    This is the only kind of invoice integration we offer with websites! Hope this helps a bit

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    doughboydoughboy Member Posts: 14

    I think I read in another thread (after I posted this of course) that maybe in September there would be some sort of Invoice API...

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    ZoeCZoeC Member Posts: 388 admin

    Hey @doughboy! An API for invoicing is definitely on our roadmap and our Integrations Team is currently working on it, but it will not be ready for September and we do not have an ETA right now. We will be sure to update the appropriate threads in the Community as soon as we have an update.

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    doughboydoughboy Member Posts: 14

    Well...that is a bummer, but Ok. Thanks!

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