
"Due within next 30 days" not working with my Recurring Invoices

Jeremy12345Jeremy12345 Member Posts: 2

Hi there,

I was wondering why it only shows my "due within the next 30 days" for singular invoices and not my recurring invoices.

I work on retainer so all of mine are recurring and it would be useful to still be able to utilize the future projection feature



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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    hey there @Jeremy12345

    Thanks for bringing this up in our community. Unfortunately this feature is not available for recurring invoices. The reason for this mostly is because a lot of our recurring invoice users have automatic payments turned on so that the credit card is charged immediately based on the schedule they set.

    Again, I appreciate you bringing this up in the community as our product team is always scanning it for feedback!

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    Jeremy12345Jeremy12345 Member Posts: 2

    No worries! Perhaps this is something that could be integrated with each other :)


    edited August 16, 2019
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