
Is it possible to setup multiple payment accounts?

antoinedlantoinedl Member Posts: 1
Hi everyone,
My associate and me both do billing independently of each other and although a certain portion of what we bill goes to a common bank account, the big majority of the amounts someone bills go to that person directly. Currently, all of our payments from Wave are made to a single bank account and the constant splitting of the money that goes to one associate or the other ends up taking quite a bit of time.
If it were possible to have one associates bills go to one account and the other associate bill go to a second account, it would really save us a lot of time (and save us some really repetitive and potentially error prone process).

Thanks a lot for your help!


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    ZoeCZoeC Member Posts: 388 admin

    Hey @antoinedl thanks for reaching out!

    I'm afraid it is not possible to have 2 different payout accounts set up to receive invoice payments in Wave. What I can recommend is possibly adding a new business to your account, they would be treated completely separate and therefore you could set up another payments account with a new bank account. The invoices that need to paid to your bank account could be sent from one business and those to your business associate from the other business. This Help Centre article explains how to add a new business to your Wave account. :smile:

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