
Invoice Province/State field drop down all incorrect

rrrcaymanrrrcayman Member Posts: 1


When I click the dropdown for State in my country (Cayman Islands) all of the options that are given to select from are incorrect options. This field also can't be left blank.
Can it be made to just type in the correct State like I can for "City"

It's making my contact information incorrect.




  • Options
    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @rrrcayman. On an invoice itself, the only required information that you enter in is the country itself. You should be able to 'X' out the province/state if one was selected, and then save the invoice. I've included a screenshot of displaying this in Wave and if it still gives you trouble, let me know, I would be happy to look into it further.

    edited August 26, 2019
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