
Bulk create journal transactions

VirgilVirgil Member Posts: 23 ✭✭

Hi, please can you consider a feature to add multiple journal transactions at once?

Ideally, via a CSV import, so we can prepare these entries separately and then upload a file.

The entries would of course have to be line-by-line, so the importer would need to double-check that multiple lines for the same entry ID actually balance, and could reject ones that don't.


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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Thanks for the suggestion @Virgil. While we don't have something that's immediately planned for this, I'm happy to listen to more feedback on why this is a must have in Wave. If you could elaborate a little more in terms of how you would like to see this feature work, and what your business does specifically/how this would relate to your business -- that would be super helpful in giving us the understanding how the feature could benefit our users.

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    VirgilVirgil Member Posts: 23 ✭✭

    Thanks @JamieD. There are a number of accounting operations that require entering a whole series of journal entries to do it "properly".

    For instance, a prepaid expense ought properly to be expensed across each of the months its used. Such as let's say a $1200 service package that covers you for the next 12 months. For good accounting the best thing would be to record a $1200 prepaid expense, $100 of which you then expense into e.g. Marketing expenses over the next 12 months.

    Other similar examples might be importing personal expenses incurred for a business, such as monthly electricity bills.

    Each such example like this would require 12 journal entries.

    I can keep track of stuff like this in my own Excel spreadsheet, which could be made to spit out a CSV of the entries that need to be added.

    Ideally, of course, these accounting features would be supported natively by the Wave application. Or, there'd be a simple way to create a journal entry that "repeats" every X for the next Y.

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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Thanks for the feedback here @Virgil. Perhaps this is something that could be added to our Wave Connect feature, but as of right now it's not something that's currently on our radar. Work on the Wave Connect feature/integration is currently paused while our API team continues to push forward in other aspects of their product. Appreciate that you've taken the time to write a detailed, thoughtful reply though and when we have an update regarding this type of feature (or something alike) we will let you know.

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    megh9contactmegh9contact Member Posts: 22

    I have one issue, I want to upload bulk Journal transaction and I am able to do the same.
    but We have one issue.

    We want to create multiple entry against one account in spreadsheet with different description. but we are not able to do the same.

    Please suggest on how we can achieve the same.

    i.e. suppose one account is "Cash on Hand", in single transaction, I want to create 2 entry for the same with different description. I tried inserting row but it did not work.

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    CalliePCallieP Member Posts: 439 admin

    Hey @megh9contact , I responded to this question in the other thread where you also asked it there! I said:

    "To clarify, you're trying to add more journal entries to your bulk journal upload? If so, you'd need to complete one upload, and then, do another separate one, if you want them to appear as separate journal entries in Wave."

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