Reconciliation Update: Help with Technical Issues



  • midwest_kcmidwest_kc Member Posts: 12 ✭✭

    I'm having the same issues as those above, where it won't reconcile, until I do literally anything on the page. Then, it says it's reconciled, but when I go back to the main reconciliation page to work on other accounts, it's unreconciled again.

  • AMichelleAMichelle Member Posts: 2

    When an account doesn't auto reconcile and brings me to the screen to manually check lines, I adjust the checkmarks so that everything should now match, but the wave balance at the top never updates as I make the changes, so it's not recognizing that the reconciliation is complete. How do I get Wave to acknowledge the changes? It's counting the number of lines I have checked (for what purpose is beyond me), but it doesn't do anything to the dollar amount which is the piece that actually matters.

  • bruce1bruce1 Member Posts: 9

    I am going to try a journal entry to fix the $20, if you ever look at the account, the problem is still there but I can't wait any longer to have this balance.

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey again @bruce1

    My apologies about the delay in this reply. Are these different currencies (paypal and checking?) is the balance due to a potential gain or loss on your foreign exchange rates? If they're the same currency, then this is likely not the case.

    Have you considered submitting a ticket to our support team to investigate this a but further? If not I think this might be the best bet.

    Also check out our help center article on creating adjustment entries to help balance accounts. This might be a good workaround for you.

  • bruce1bruce1 Member Posts: 9

    Hello Barsin, it is strange that it happened to both accounts on the same day. It seemed to have happened to others, that is how I ended up on this thread. One of your team fixed the checking in the first conversation but the Paypal account seems to have your team stumped. I did a work around with a journal entry for $20 but what if it was $2000? My reports would really be off. We need to be able to trust that the software is accurate. I am going to drop this and hope that it was a one time glitch. Bruce

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey @midwest_kc

    Let me know if this balance has corrected itself! It seemed to be in a bad state.

  • midwest_kcmidwest_kc Member Posts: 12 ✭✭

    Yes, it is correct now. Thanks!

  • Cannon25Cannon25 Member Posts: 6

    I’ve got the same technical problem as Indigo dated 23/09/19 “The wave ending balance under reconciliation does not match the ending balance in the account transaction report (General ledger). Seems like a bug”. Your help would be appreciated :smile:

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Cannon25 , can you please confirm that these filtered dates are the same? If it's off by even one day it can affect the ending balance.

    If they are in fact the same, please send screenshots of the reports with balances and we can take a further look!

  • Cannon25Cannon25 Member Posts: 6

    Hi @AlexL thanks for message. This is probably the clearest way of showing you. As you can see the Wave Balance says £64.75 but the Wave Balance in between Credit & Matched shows the correct balance. If I delete a transactions and then reconcile it again it balances at the correct amount £98.73 but if I come out of reconciliation page and go back in it shows as incorrect again.

  • Cannon25Cannon25 Member Posts: 6

    Hi @AlexL this is another view, account transaction report for the credit card statement period. Please could you let me know how this can be fixed? Many thanks.

  • Cannon25Cannon25 Member Posts: 6

    Hi Wave Team, please could you let me know what the situation is regarding the posts I made above.

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @Cannon25

    Sorry about the delay here. It appears we are not seeing an error on your account that would trigger this to fix unfortunately, but that's not to say that there isn't a potential error here. Could you head to your Accounting >> Transactions >> Filter >> Select the same dates >> And the credit card account. Could you then take a photo of this?

    Also could you open your Accounting >> Reconciliation page >> Select the account and show us the timeline for this account? Have you reconciled previous months to ensure there is no balance carrying over?

    My apologies for the back and forth, we are unsure what the issue might be.

  • Cannon25Cannon25 Member Posts: 6

    Thanks for the reply. It's in my personal account rather than business (I doubt that makes any difference but I thought it was worth mentioning). I've attached the photos you've asked for, as you can see all previous periods reconcile. This problem occurred when I posted two £33.98 transactions from Bonsai Direct and so I deleted one, this then created the incorrect £33.98 difference. When I go into the reconciliation page if I untick a transaction and then tick it again it says it's all reconciled but then doesn't remain reconciled after the refresh.

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Cannon25

    Could you kindly check your account again and let us know if this discrepancy has updated itself?

  • Cannon25Cannon25 Member Posts: 6

    The discrepancy has now gone, thank you very much for your help!

  • OAAgymOAAgym Member Posts: 3

    Due to a discrepancy with our credit card reconciliation, I would like to request an accounting data fix, please. It is similar to many situations on this chain where the account is balanced, but it doesn't remain balanced after a refresh. Thanks!

    edited January 8, 2021
  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @OAAgym

    I have triggered an accounting data fix for you! The reports and accounts should be properly connected within 15-30 minutes, depending on how much data there was to fix. I hope this helps!

  • OAAgymOAAgym Member Posts: 3

    Thank you very much! @JulianP

    The refresh has fixed the error and the account balances now!

  • starlightstitcherystarlightstitchery Member Posts: 2

    When I first imported my bank account data, it didn't import the correct starting balance. So, I created a new transaction to reflect this, but when I go to reconcile my account, that new transaction doesn't show up and I can't reconcile my account. Help?

  • juiceladyjuicelady Member Posts: 2

    Hello, I'm having this issue as well. Been trying to resolve so I can migrate to Zoho Books. See screenshot.

  • J_S_PTJ_S_PT Member Posts: 1

    For some reason when I try to reconcile my account, all my debits show up in the credit column and my credits show up in the debit column. They are shown correctly in the regular transactions list. Is there something I can do to fix this?

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @starlightstitchery , you should be able to find the starting balance as the first entry in the specific account (check Accounting > Transactions and filter for the specific account). If it's not there, you should consider adding it again. This Help Center article has the necessary steps to do so.

    Hey @juicelady , I see that you had this fixed through another thread. Let us know if you're still having issues!

    @J_S_PT can you send us a screenshot of what this looks like on your end?

  • Bill_MEBill_ME Member Posts: 2

    I'm having this same problem with reconciliation. I have one month that if I check a box then it goes reconciled but it doesn't save.

  • Bill_MEBill_ME Member Posts: 2

    @AlexL can you take a look at my issue? It's posted above

  • schloskeschloske Member Posts: 1

    Good morning, I am having an issue with reconciliation and I found in this chat several people that are having the same issue. Basically, the account is reconciled, but then when the last item is matched, the balances don't match and reconciliation is lost. No numbers changed and everything should be ok. Can you please see if we can fix my reconciliation? Here is a screenshot of one of the examples in this chat (cylon58). Thanks!

  • Roberg_72Roberg_72 Member Posts: 6

    I am having a problem with reconciliation. When I record payment for an invoice it shows up in reconciliation along with the check that a certain group of invoices belong to. I don't normally have individual checks for each invoice, Ex. I did 5 jobs last week for the same client, they pay me what they owe every two weeks, I doesn't give me the option to merge those invoices with the deposited check. Im not sure if that makes sense but its throwing my account balance and wave balance off by thousands of dollars.

  • Roberg_72Roberg_72 Member Posts: 6

    @Roberg_72 said:
    I am having a problem with reconciliation. When I record payment for an invoice it shows up in reconciliation along with the check that a certain group of invoices belong to. I don't normally have individual checks for each invoice, Ex. I did 5 jobs last week for the same client, they pay me what they owe every two weeks, I doesn't give me the option to merge those invoices with the deposited check. Im not sure if that makes sense but its throwing my account balance and wave balance off by thousands of dollars.

    Here's a pic of what Im talking about

    edited February 23, 2021
  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Bill_ME & @schloske , it looks like there was some miscommunication of info on the back end which was causing some of your data not to be displayed correctly. I've made a quick adjustment to your account which should solve your issue. Please give it a look and let me know if things are still not displaying the way that they should be.

    Hey @Roberg_72 , it looks to me like you may be receiving checks, and then also marking your invoice as paid. Whenever you mark an invoice as "Paid" through the invoice itself, this creates a corresponding transaction in your Transactions page. If you have your Bank connected so that it imports transactions as well, you will see duplicates when the deposited money is imported into Wave. The best way around this would be to apply the imported bank transaction to the unpaid invoice, thus marking the invoice as paid.

    To do so, go to the imported bank transaction in your Transactions page, categorize it as "Payment received for an Invoice in Wave," and select the unpaid invoice to apply it to. This will use this transaction as the payment transaction instead of creating ANOTHER corresponding one within the system. It looks like you may have to split your transaction into different amounts first though as it seems like your check amount is for numerous invoices.

  • Roberg_72Roberg_72 Member Posts: 6

    @AlexL said:
    Hi @Bill_ME & @schloske , it looks like there was some miscommunication of info on the back end which was causing some of your data not to be displayed correctly. I've made a quick adjustment to your account which should solve your issue. Please give it a look and let me know if things are still not displaying the way that they should be.

    Hey @Roberg_72 , it looks to me like you may be receiving checks, and then also marking your invoice as paid. Whenever you mark an invoice as "Paid" through the invoice itself, this creates a corresponding transaction in your Transactions page. If you have your Bank connected so that it imports transactions as well, you will see duplicates when the deposited money is imported into Wave. The best way around this would be to apply the imported bank transaction to the unpaid invoice, thus marking the invoice as paid.

    To do so, go to the imported bank transaction in your Transactions page, categorize it as "Payment received for an Invoice in Wave," and select the unpaid invoice to apply it to. This will use this transaction as the payment transaction instead of creating ANOTHER corresponding one within the system. It looks like you may have to split your transaction into different amounts first though as it seems like your check amount is for numerous invoices.

    So do I have to delete the invoices from the reconciliation page first and then go back and re-categorize everything?

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