Reconciliation Update: Help with Technical Issues



  • Roberg_72Roberg_72 Member Posts: 6

    Im not seeing an "unpaid" option in the transaction page. They only option I am given is Invoices that do not correspond to the one Im looking at or it says (Invoice# xxxxxx from xxx $0.00 outstanding)

  • Roberg_72Roberg_72 Member Posts: 6

    @Roberg_72 said:

    @AlexL said:
    Hi @Bill_ME & @schloske , it looks like there was some miscommunication of info on the back end which was causing some of your data not to be displayed correctly. I've made a quick adjustment to your account which should solve your issue. Please give it a look and let me know if things are still not displaying the way that they should be.

    Hey @Roberg_72 , it looks to me like you may be receiving checks, and then also marking your invoice as paid. Whenever you mark an invoice as "Paid" through the invoice itself, this creates a corresponding transaction in your Transactions page. If you have your Bank connected so that it imports transactions as well, you will see duplicates when the deposited money is imported into Wave. The best way around this would be to apply the imported bank transaction to the unpaid invoice, thus marking the invoice as paid.

    To do so, go to the imported bank transaction in your Transactions page, categorize it as "Payment received for an Invoice in Wave," and select the unpaid invoice to apply it to. This will use this transaction as the payment transaction instead of creating ANOTHER corresponding one within the system. It looks like you may have to split your transaction into different amounts first though as it seems like your check amount is for numerous invoices.

    So do I have to delete the invoices from the reconciliation page first and then go back and re-categorize everything?

    @Roberg_72 said:

    @AlexL said:
    Hi @Bill_ME & @schloske , it looks like there was some miscommunication of info on the back end which was causing some of your data not to be displayed correctly. I've made a quick adjustment to your account which should solve your issue. Please give it a look and let me know if things are still not displaying the way that they should be.

    Hey @Roberg_72 , it looks to me like you may be receiving checks, and then also marking your invoice as paid. Whenever you mark an invoice as "Paid" through the invoice itself, this creates a corresponding transaction in your Transactions page. If you have your Bank connected so that it imports transactions as well, you will see duplicates when the deposited money is imported into Wave. The best way around this would be to apply the imported bank transaction to the unpaid invoice, thus marking the invoice as paid.

    To do so, go to the imported bank transaction in your Transactions page, categorize it as "Payment received for an Invoice in Wave," and select the unpaid invoice to apply it to. This will use this transaction as the payment transaction instead of creating ANOTHER corresponding one within the system. It looks like you may have to split your transaction into different amounts first though as it seems like your check amount is for numerous invoices.

    So do I have to delete the invoices from the reconciliation page first and then go back and re-categorize everything?

    Im not seeing an unpaid option on the transactions page, the drop down menu gives me the options of other outstanding invoices or (Invoice# xxxxxxx from Payment from xxxx Outstanding $0.00)

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Roberg_72 , you'll want to delete the payment transaction in your Transactions page (Account > Transactions) which was generated by marking the invoice as paid. You can then go into your bank imported transactions and apply them to the invoice using the steps listed above. Keep in mind, if the invoice has already been marked then you won't be able to find the invoice when assigning the transaction to it.

    Let us know if you have any further questions or concerns!

    edited March 2, 2021
  • Xtopher21Xtopher21 Member Posts: 1

    Im having same issue with the company I admin. The reconciliation doesnt balance even though I have matched all the transactions. I have the same issue as @Bill_ME. No matter what I do I cant seem to correct it. The trial balance is out the same amount too. I cant even create a correcting entry because it is only one side of the trial balance...

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Xtopher21 , looks like there was a disconnect with your data on the back end. I've made some small tweaks and your data should now be communicating properly again. Give it a look and let us know if you're still having issues!

  • paulpatpaulpat Member Posts: 19

    I have have a credit card account with no transactions in it, and a balance stuck at -55.20. If you're able to see into my profile, it is the account labelled "EA PP2 Mastercard".

    I have been chasing this error in my balance sheet for days, and thought maybe there was something fundamentally broken in my "backend data communication" as well, so I moved out every transaction to another temporary space, and lo and behold, a balance stuck at -55.20.

  • YLEYLE Member Posts: 2

    I'm having the exact same issue here and I would like to know how I can go about fixing it. ![]
    I've gone through my bank statement and have absolutely matched every transaction line by line. The problem seems to be that wave refuses to see that reconciliation has been achieved.
    As you can see from the following screen grab, the total sum by wave does match the bank statement.

    If I press basically anything, the math updates, and the difference goes to zero… but also it stays red.

    Then if I think I’m done, and exit reconciliation, it defaults back to being off by the same amount again. Same thing if I hit reload, what I see in the second picture reverts to the first again.

    This has been very annoying. It’s like there’s one transaction (A tax submission in the amount of $485.xx) that wave refuses to not see as a duplicate or something, when in fact I made that amount twice on the same day. I’ve tried moving the dates around, deleting the entire month of transactions and re-importing it. Nothing seems to work.

    Please help me out here!

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @paulpat , looks like @JulianP was able to get this worked out for you in a different thread. Let us know if you're still having issues!

    @YLE it looks like the data on the back end of your account wasn't communicating properly. I've gone in and made a couple of small tweaks which should fix any sort of discrepancies that you were seeing in your data.

    If you go into your account and after about 30 minutes you're still seeing issues, let us know and we'd be happy to dig a little bit deeper into the issue.

  • paulpatpaulpat Member Posts: 19

    Hi @AlexL ,
    I'm still having an issue. Sort of. In another thread titled "Wave has two different balances for the same account", I am looking for some feedback from a pro like yourself on my proposed process to seek out the occurrence of this bug. I think you yourself indicated that it is up to users to notice when the reports are out of sync with the transaction totals, and I have a proposed way to do this but I'm looking for some further insight.

  • oneillseanmoneillseanm Member Posts: 2

    I seem to be having a problem similar to others above. Can I ask for one of those under the hood tweaks that resolved the issue elsewhere? Thank you!

  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @oneillseanm !

    It appears that some of your Wave pages might not be communicating with each other, and this is why you are seeing discrepancies in the numbers between different pages.

    I have triggered an accounting data fix on your account, and it showed that your account was in need of this! The reports and accounts should be properly connected within 15-30 minutes, depending on how much data there was to fix.

    If, after that time the accounts are still off, please let me know and we can go from there.

  • oneillseanmoneillseanm Member Posts: 2

    I'm grateful. Thanks so much for your help, Julian. That seems to have done the trick.

  • Cottage_Keeper_2021Cottage_Keeper_2021 Member Posts: 1

    I'm attempting to reconcile 2020 and for some strange reason my transactions after September 1, 2020 are not showing up in the Reconciliation report. I see all my transactions from Jan 2020 through Sept. 1, 2020, there are 11 transactions from Sept. 5, 2020 - December 27, 2020 that are not showing in the reconciliation report. Several of these were manually entered but several were not.

    Grateful for any advise on how to get these transactions to populate in the reconciliation.

  • scqs13scqs13 Member Posts: 1

    @Katie_Wave said:
    Having an issue with the update to Account Reconciliation? Please let us know here so our team can help!

    If you're looking for help getting started with your Account Reconciliation, you can get started here.


    Noticed today when I key in any amount on the transaction the balance does not reflect the changes as according. Been using Wave for quite some time, never had this issue until just now.

    I even purposely log out and clear my browser cache, still no difference. Using Google ChromeVersion 91.0.4472.114 on Mac Os High Sierra 10.13.6 (17G14042).

    Please assist, thanks.

    edited July 12, 2021
  • ArrowayRCArrowayRC Member Posts: 3

    For the last few weeks my bank account has mysteriously unreconciled itself going all the way back to 2017. First I waited for what I thought was probably a bug to be fixed. Then I went in to see if I could fix the problem. I see multiple duplicate entries, and many entries classed as credits when they should be debits. I'm hopelessly confused. I don't really have the time to sit and untangle it manually going back this many years -- any chance this is likewise a backend issue as above?

  • WillemMaritzWillemMaritz Member Posts: 1

    Hi all, Please help. The reconciliation page isn't loading anything.

  • OAAgymOAAgym Member Posts: 3

    Hello. Would someone be able to assist in refreshing our account data, please? We have tried to disconnect and reconnect the connection between Wave and our bank, but it is not working. It is January 6, 2022 today and the data has not flowed through since November 12, 2021. Please help!

  • maurice212maurice212 Member Posts: 1

    Hello wavers, I am having trouble reconciling my credit cards. It all went fine with my bank accounts but for my Credit Card I end up with a negative value for wave balance. In the Credit Card Amex Reconciliation window the transactions seem to be inverted (Debit for Credit) while in the Transactions window they are normal. Right now I have Statement balance $42.42; Wave balance -$3,471.73 and Difference $3,514.15. Not sure how to fix this, I looked up “Introduction to debits and credits” does it mean I need to manually change very transactions? any help appreciated thank you.

  • CM_WrapsCM_Wraps Member Posts: 4

    Hi, I'm having an issue and not sure where to look. When I go in reports and select Sale tax my sales subject to tax is different than my total sales. All my sales have been triple checked and all have taxes.

    I've attached screes of my total sales and my tax info.

    If anyone has any idea what could be going on that would be greatly appreciated. I'm new to wave but getting frustrated.

    Could it be on your guys end perhaps?

    edited March 26, 2022
  • Ivan1111111111Ivan1111111111 Member Posts: 4

    I am also having this problem did you find a solution? It seems like no one knows, you would think these reports would align with each other.

  • CM_WrapsCM_Wraps Member Posts: 4

    @Ivan1111111111 said:
    I am also having this problem did you find a solution? It seems like no one knows, you would think these reports would align with each other.

    No not yet. It has to be on their end. Its just not possible to have more taxable sales then actual sales. I'm hoping someone from Wave could look at it seeing how tax season is upon us.

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