WAVE will not update and won't let me update credentials

I have followed all the help advice, I changed my password I tried to update my credentials I emailed Wave. I am looked out and can not update credentials and my wave program wont update any of my accounts and I have not heard back from anyone at wave. WHAT IS GOING ON. I am beginning to feel very unsafe. Does anyone have any suggestions about how I can get in to update credentials and get wave to work. Does wave still have a technical support department?
I'm dealing with the same exact problem. I try to update with a new password and it just doesn't work and there is no suggestion about what to do. Is there any help out there?
Hey there @Abbie @VBike
I see that one of our agents has replied to your email and is looking for some followups. I took a look into your account however and noticed something:
When you add a user by selecting the business name at the top left > manage your profile emails and connected accounts > add email this creates another business owner email. This gives some absolute equal power over the account. They can do virtually every action that you can do in Wave.
It also happens to share the same password. So with that being said, if you've granted someone else permission by using this method, and they've added their account and created a new password for the account, then everyone shares that new password. You will want to do a password reset, or reach out to your business partner on the account to create a generic password you can all share.
Moreover, if you'd like to add users with User Permissions feel free to do this under Settings > User management > Add users as Admin. This will give your user their own log in with their own password and create nearly full permissions while keeping one business owner the sole owner of the account.
Let me know if you are still having troubles with this.