
Unpaid invoices not appearing under transactions, cannot mark transaction as payment

nowmenowme Member Posts: 1

I have 3 invoices for which I'm trying to register transactions as payments. For two of them, they're not appearing in the dropdown in the transactions view for me to do so. I was only able to mark one of them as paid.

All 3 of these invoices were created manually (they are not recurring invoices).



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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @nowme ,

    Thanks for reaching out to Wave support, Barsin here.

    My guess might be that the invoice is in a different currency than the native currency of your account. If so unfortunately at this time Wave cannot attribute a payment to an invoice with a different currency. What we typically ask of our users to do is simply go to the the invoice and record a payment to their account. This will populate a new transaction in the currency of the invoice. The invoice will also be marked as paid. You can then delete the bank imported transaction that you were trying to associate with an invoice, as there will be redundant income transactions on your transactions page.

    Our team is fully aware of this matter and we're looking into making sure that this type of transaction will be reconciled moving forward!

    If that is not the case please reach out again and let us know.

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