
How can I access all the receipts I create for my customer?

JosephDLPJosephDLP Member Posts: 1

I started to use Wave a while ago. When I issue an invoice to a customer, and then record payment, I can send him/her a receipt.
But is there a way, a place, where I can easily access all the receipts I have issued and see my total income at the end of the year?
I know that after recording payment, the invoice is updated but it seems I need an actual receipt, sent to a customer, for my tax reports.
Going on through each paid invoice, and pulling the Receipt link, then printing it or screen capturing seems not the right way to do it.
Am I missing something?
Thanks a lot!


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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @JosephDLP . I'm afraid there's no way to access all of the receipts that you've sent in Wave. Although I can't comment on the requirements of your government for tax purposes, you should be able to provide them with a report of your Sales Tax instead of the Receipts specifically. To access this, you can head over to your Sales Tax Report in the Reports page to access all of the necessary information.

    Additionally, if you want to check out just your income, head over to the Profit & Loss Report.

    edited September 10, 2019
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