
List the Customer Name on Invoice Email

TechConnect_JCTechConnect_JC Member Posts: 7

When sending Invoices to Customers, it does not list the Company Name in either the email subject or email content.

This makes it difficult to track the emails, and also makes the emails more likely to be blocked by the receiver's SPAM filter.

It would be nice to have the option to include the recipient's name and/or Company Name listed on Invoice emails.
This feature worked well in late 2017; it would be nice if this feature was enabled again.

Thank you!


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    ChelseaKChelseaK Member Posts: 261 ✭✭

    @TechConnect_JC When you go to send the invoice from Sales > Invoices > Send, there is actually an option to edit the invoice subject and also include a personalized message for your customer! You can include the company name and/or your customer's name there:

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    TechConnect_JCTechConnect_JC Member Posts: 7

    We send out so many invoices each month that having to manually add the client's name each time is not feasible. It would be nice if their company name was added to the Email Subject by default. It would also help prevent these emails from being missed or sent to SPAM.

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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @TechConnect_JC

    I wonder if the duplicate invoice feature would help?

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    TechConnect_JCTechConnect_JC Member Posts: 7

    We send out so many invoices (40+) each month (most of them are recurring invoices) so editing each invoice (or duplicating the invoice) before sending is not feasible.

    It would be wonderful if there were a Global Setting to add the Customer_Name or our Company_Name to the subject line of each invoice.

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