
Combining Reports

GoldwingGoldwing Member Posts: 2

I am required to present reports to meetings. It would be really good to be able to produce a P&L and a Balance Sheet as one document (or even multipage booklet). I know that anything is possible with .csv files, but I'd like to keep the look & feel of the original .pdf files.

Any thoughts please


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Goldwing.

    I'm glad to hear you like our report layout! We're very proud of them.

    There's currently no way to combine reports that way directly through Wave, however, merging PDF files together is something you can do with different PDF editing tools available online. Your best bet would be to do a bit of research on "Merging PDF files" on Google. I've never done it myself, so I can't recommend a tool over another.

    If you find something good, let us know about it. I'd love to hear about how things worked out.

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    GoldwingGoldwing Member Posts: 2

    I revived an old Excel template that an Accountant friend of mine created years ago. I thought that I'd lost it due to PC upgrades. (No "cloud" computing in those days). It's just a matter of plugging the correct numbers into the appropriate slots, and "printing" as a PDF.

    Thanks for your time

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