Can I print 1099

Lola HanLola Han Member Posts: 1

Can I set and print 1099 form in Wave


  • CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    Hi Lola! Payroll by Wave does not support 1099 contractors at this time.

  • jahydejahyde Member Posts: 5

    This is a pretty important feature for businesses large and small, many at some point may use subcontractors. I see the button in the payroll setup and the notice of non-support, is there an ETA for this feature?

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @jahyde.

    I don't have an ETA to offer on this feature. We currently just recommend using Bills to keep track of expenses incurred by contractors.

    It is on our mind, however. The feature has been requested for some time and we're aware of just how much it would benefit Wave users.

  • JonZJonZ Member Posts: 3

    Yes my companies both need a 1099 option badly

  • dtstechdtstech Member Posts: 2

    Hello! I wanted to next this. I was very excited about the product but the absence of 1099 / contractor support is both concerning and a need. We will be unable to utilize this unless it's implemented soon. If the feature has been requested for some time don't you think you all should put it on the roadmap to become a feature? I mean literally just take a poll and you will see.

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @dtstech.

    Thank you for adding your voice to this discussion. While this feature isn't on our roadmap right now, we do understand how much of an impact it could have for some of our users.

    For now, we do offer a workaround to allow you to keep track of those payments.

  • dtstechdtstech Member Posts: 2

    Hi Alexia, Thank you for your response. I understand the workaround that you all have but you failed to mention that Wave does NOT memorize details regarding vendors/contractors meaning that in order to track these payments one would have to enter details each time. That's in itself pretty annoying and as much as I wanted this to work it just doesn't look like the best fit. ______ If you've got some other information that I don't know about______ regarding this please share because it sounds like unless we have regular W2 employees Payroll by Wave isn't the way to go.

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @dtstech.

    I empathize with your frustration over this, but I don't any more information on dealing with 1099 at this time. That isn't to say that features relating to it won't be implemented eventually, but for now, building such features isn't on our roadmap.

  • ManiMani Member Posts: 82 ✭✭✭

    Hi @dtstech, @JonZ, @jahyde, and @Lola Han,

    We hear you loud and clear. Tracking contractor bills, payments, and 1099-MISC form generation are a big deal to our customers. For a while now, we've been thinking through how to implement this for the US market in Wave. The most popular method on market is to pair it with a payroll system, but it's certainly not the only way. For several important reasons, we'll likely also enable it through our payroll offering to start. In the future we may morph it to be more deeply integrated into the entire Wave ecosystem.

    While not being able to promise anything, we are currently assessing what a 2018 release would require of us. We hope to have more good news in the coming weeks.

    What we'd love to hear from all of you on this thread is how you engage with contractors: how many you hire, how you record their bills, how often to you pay them, and what solution you're using today to deal with the form generation and submission. Help us get better educated so that we may build the best solution possible for your needs.

  • LDat5DLDat5D Member Posts: 3

    @Mani, thanks for opening the thread to how businesses are working. Right now it is manual and across tools. I use 1099 subs exclusively for multiple projects each month. I use online bill pay thru my credit union to pay them and track with Excel each payment. EOY I reconcile payments in wave reports to excel then use TurboTax for small business to produce 1099's to each sub. Too many steps. I've been researching moving to QB or QBO.

  • ManiMani Member Posts: 82 ✭✭✭

    @LDat5D This is very helpful. I encourage all others who hop on this thread to similarly add their existing workflows and scenarios. We're going to ensure our product management team includes this thread in their research and design processes.

  • randw1randw1 Member Posts: 4

    I have a small home business... and only use 1-3 subcontractors who are each paid 1-4 times for any single project they worked on and they usually charge for service hours (though might have a few small expenses like printing or gas to meeting).

    edited May 30, 2018
  • KenjKenj Member Posts: 27

    It will be great if you are open to work with various countries other cloud based apps to offer some kind of 3rd party integration of payroll into the system.

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Kenj.

    This is very unlikely. Since we already offer a payroll service of our own, an integration with one of our competitors could hurt our business. While we understand that this can be frustrating, especially considering that our payroll service isn't offered outside of Canada and the United States, you'll have to handle payroll outside of Wave.

  • starkeyreedstarkeyreed Member Posts: 2

    I have always used QBO to send the 1099 misc to subcontractors. I am a General Contractor, and Real Estate investor, so I have many 1099's to send at the year end. I switched over to Waveapps in June 2018, and look forward to this integration.

  • ManiMani Member Posts: 82 ✭✭✭

    @starkeyreed how often did you pay those contractors and by what method? How did you share the 1099-MISC with each contractor, and how did you file your end with the government?

  • starkeyreedstarkeyreed Member Posts: 2

    @Mani said:
    @starkeyreed how often did you pay those contractors and by what method? How did you share the 1099-MISC with each contractor, and how did you file your end with the government?

    I paid them on demand, so they would bid particular jobs, and I paid them according to our agreement. Most were only once or twice that year, but some were 20-30 times. My bookkeeper handled the processing, but I believe QB mailed them out for a fee, and processed the reporting to the government.

    I want to say, there is a list of vendors you paid more than $600 (the minimum threshold in Michigan) And you entered the needed information so QB could complete the process. You would need the info found on a W9 for this.

  • MirandaSMirandaS Member Posts: 1

    I see this hasn't been updated since 2018. I would definitely appreciate this functionality in Wave. We currently use to record and send out 1099's to our collaborators/rights holders. I think it's $26 at the time of filing. Would love if we could do this all under one Wave roof though.

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