Omg... I had whole diatribe here about a work around I had developed against Wave's old receipt system only to learn that it has been revamped for release in May. Thank goodness I can edit this post.
Hi Wave... we're new to using your software as a small business and I'm quite enjoying it so far! Greatly appreciate this service for free! But I must contribute my strong desire to simply have the ability to upload a receipt image file to an existing transaction that was previously generated from a bank account transaction. I don't want to "merge" transactions... automatic or not. So I respectfully join many others here to request a receipt upload feature. Thank you in advance!
Thank you JulianP from Wave with the awesome response. How exciting!!! Thanks for listening to us and adding the receipt upload feature. Pumped for the coming launch!
While I'm really excited to be able to attach a receipt to an existing transaction, Wave, I think you've gone a touch too far by eliminating the ability to upload a receipt that will generate a new transaction via OCR. I'm confused why you can't support both workflows. Alas, let's hope this is net better. And nevertheless, thanks for listening to the community. 🙏
Okay, it's mid-May. Where is the ability to attach a receipt to an existing transaction? This has been 3 years in the making, so don't mind if we're just a little breathless in anticipation. You did say mid-May here in this feedback thread, but if you click through to the link @JulianP provided, it says June. sigh. I do hope it's coming soon as I'm waiting for it to do at least 2 months of back transactions!
Omg... I had whole diatribe here about a work around I had developed against Wave's old receipt system only to learn that it has been revamped for release in May. Thank goodness I can edit this post.
Hey @kakuni !
We recently made an announcement surrounding our Receipts feature that can shed some light on this. Feel free to check it out here.
Hi Wave... we're new to using your software as a small business and I'm quite enjoying it so far! Greatly appreciate this service for free! But I must contribute my strong desire to simply have the ability to upload a receipt image file to an existing transaction that was previously generated from a bank account transaction. I don't want to "merge" transactions... automatic or not. So I respectfully join many others here to request a receipt upload feature. Thank you in advance!
Hey there @Eric_Rox75 !
I'm happy to let you know that this feature will be coming to Wave in mid May! You can learn more about it here.
Thank you JulianP from Wave with the awesome response. How exciting!!! Thanks for listening to us and adding the receipt upload feature. Pumped for the coming launch!
While I'm really excited to be able to attach a receipt to an existing transaction, Wave, I think you've gone a touch too far by eliminating the ability to upload a receipt that will generate a new transaction via OCR. I'm confused why you can't support both workflows. Alas, let's hope this is net better. And nevertheless, thanks for listening to the community. 🙏
Okay, it's mid-May. Where is the ability to attach a receipt to an existing transaction? This has been 3 years in the making, so don't mind if we're just a little breathless in anticipation.
You did say mid-May here in this feedback thread, but if you click through to the link @JulianP provided, it says June. sigh. I do hope it's coming soon as I'm waiting for it to do at least 2 months of back transactions!
Hey @JanamTea, glad to hear you're excited about the new feature!
I'm afraid the roll out of this feature was pushed back from May, but you can expect to see it released in mid-June
When is this feature going live? Will the regular WAVE app allow this functionality or will we have to login through a browser on our phone?
Hey @tryingWave ,
This feature is now live! To clarify, you will be able to use this feature both through the desktop Wave app, and by using a mobile browser.