How to record an accidental use of business card and its reimbursement

Alex_BBTAlex_BBT Member Posts: 1

Hi there
I use wave mainly for the very basic needs of invoicing, tracking transactions, and just the very basic accounting so I'm not a pro at it...
Now, I have noticed that on 2 occasions my business card has been accidentally charged by Transport NSW (it has a contactless system which can charge credit cards).
How I should record this accidental payment and its reimbursement (which I made from my personal account)?
Thanks for your help!


  • EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Alex_BBT! If the expense was made on your business card and then reimbursed to your business card, you could just categorize it as an expense (to an expense category that fits, or you can create a specific one for this). Then you would categorize the refund transaction as 'Refund for Expense' and choose the same expense account so it is balanced. You case sounds a little different! It sounds like you reimbursed your business card from your personal bank account? If so, did you create a transfer from your personal account to business card? Did you ever receive a refund from NSW Transport? If so, what account did you receive it into? Happy to dig into this a bit further to get the correct answer to you!

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