
Wave - Purchases - Bills/Receipts

superbabtousuperbabtou Member Posts: 1

I don't know about you, but in my business, many expenses (cost of sales and operating expenses) are linked to a customer.

I run a touristic agency. When I invoice a client for some service, I will obviously have some related expenses.
For example, in a guided tour by bus I propose (I sale), I will have also the following expenses :
Rent of a bus
A tour guide

To book these expenses, there's finally 2 options :

1) Purchases->Bills
I create a bill, with the related vendor, the purchases item and so

Then I can make a payment to that vendor, or follow all my unpaid/paid in vendor reports.
In that case, you can easily follow the payment to be made, but you can't link that expense to a customer.

2) Accounting->Transactions
I can book the payment with my charge (withdrawal : money | Category : Bus Rental)
In that case, I can link the Category "BUS RENTAL" to the customer by clicking "add customer". This is very convenient for the report "Focus on customer -> Income by customer" because you can see your income but also your expenses linked.
But you are loosing the report "aged payable". (of course, as it is considered "already paid").

Anyway, my question is :
Could you please consider in the next updates, the ability to add a linked customer to any purchases-bills and also purchases-receipt just like in the transaction.
A simple button "add customer" would be perfect to linked to all line of expenses in the bills to that customer.

Thanks for your reading time :smile:


  • Options
    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    @superbabtou Great example of a real world example of how this particular feature can benefit you, and your business. From a support standpoint, there's nothing currently on the radar for adding this specific capability in Wave. However, our Sales Service team is currently overhauling the Customers section which may allow for something similar to this, or a workflow that allows you to accomplish what you're trying to include for your business in Wave. We still don't have any timeline as to when that section in Wave will be improved, but we're hoping by the end of this year! Thanks for sharing.

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