Changing Financial Year Settings

BPDMBPDM Member Posts: 2

Hi, I'm in Australia and the financial year is 01 July to 30 June.
I'm moving over from Quickbooks.
How do I change to this in settings?
Can you also set a 13month year to facilitate EOFY activities?


  • JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    Hey @BPDM and Welcome to Wave's Community Forum!

    You can adjust the Year End in Wave through navigating to Settings > Accounting > Dates and Currency. Here you can enter your Year End date of June 30th and you should be good to go. In terms of setting a 13 month year, I'm afraid that isn't possible in Wave at the moment.

    In saying that, I am curious about why that would be a need. Are you able to explain the use case for this, as well as the type of business that you run? I'd be curious to hear from other Wavers as well if they are in the same situation. With enough information, I can then pass this feature idea on to our Product Team :)

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