
Can we have an idea when we will be migrated to the new version.....we have been waiting months.

OctaveOctave Member Posts: 2

I love you software, I really do, and it has transformed my productivity by a significant proportion. I have seen the new version and there are features, especially related to VAT, that are essential. Many months later I still have no indication as to when we will be moved. Can you please give us some sort of indication? If not we will re-sign up and start a new version in January - which would be a big pity as we will lose our history.



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    JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Octave and welcome to Wave's Community Forum!

    I definitely hear you on wanting to be migrated to the new version of Wave and totally acknowledge that you have likely been hearing about the potential to be migrated for months. For some insight, we have migrated over 97% of Wave users to the upgraded version already. The one significant challenge that we face at the moment, is ensuring that we can migrate accounts over to the newest version of Wave without losing any data. This is part of the reason why migration on the remaining accounts has taken as long as it has. For the Wavers who have been with us for many years, there is a lot of data to migrate, some of which is extremely complicated. The team here is committed to getting Wavers migrated and this remains the focus of our Accounting Product Team for 2019. Migration continues and I'm sorry that I can't give you an exact, although I'm hopeful that you will be hearing from us before the end of the year through email when the migration is happening.

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