PDF Export resizes columns/font on Estimates/Invoices vs. View and Print to PDF

When I choose "export to PDF" for an Estimate, or "send to Email", I've noticed the columns are resized and the font is slightly increased, particularly on item details. This generally pushes to two pages, often orphaning the footer or notes, an Estimate that as originally viewed(or printed) fits nicely on one page.
Is there a setting I have missed that sets font and column sizes used by the pdf export? If not, I'd like to report the pdf export differing from the viewed page as a small bug.
Workaround is choosing print, printing to pdf, then manually attaching the Estimate/Invoice. This method preserves the original format of columns and font.
Hi @jetthrusteramerica . Thanks for putting this on our radar as well as providing a workaround for any users that stumble across this discussion in the interim. I'll pass this along to our devs
I had the same issue today its unfortunate that two years later and still not fixed