Duplicate transactions EVERYWHERE

BritterBritter Member Posts: 5

Why do I have duplicate transactions for tons of expenses?! How am I supposed to sort through this?



  • amrbackupamrbackup Member Posts: 5

    I have been trying to import some old transactions into my business account, and was successful at one point in time, now when I do the import, I pick the file to upload, I select which account to import it into, and everything seems successful. the problem is that the transactions do not show up. So then I try to import them again, on the second import I get a message about duplicating transactions if I want to import again. this has me puzzled. If I can't see the transactions in the first place, how can they be recorded as duplicates?? Why can't I see the transactions? I am not using the bank upload feature- which worked while I had it turned on, the statements are too far back in time to have my bank carry the information. I have tried different browsers, going from google chrome, to FireFox, and the same problem happens, so I don't think anyone can claim the browser cache has anything to do with it. I have tried importing as a qbo file, but that did the same thing. first import gives me no errors on import, but the transactions do not show up in the list, the second import shows up as the duplicate transaction prompt if I continue, but I can't even see the duplicates to be able to correct them.

    edited August 30, 2018
  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @amrbackup

    Can you try again? There was an issue with statement uploads earlier today, but a fix was rolled out a few hours ago. Let me know if the problem has fixed itself.

  • amrbackupamrbackup Member Posts: 5

    The problem has not fixed itself. I am trying to upload a statement that I had tried in the past, it warns me about there being duplicates. Unfortunately there is no original transaction showing for there to be a duplicate, and even if I say yes to allow it to create the duplicates, it still does not show me either.

  • LindaaLindaa Member Posts: 12

    I have had no new Transactions pulled in since the 23 February, the balance is correct to the banks, I have done the hard refresh, edited bank credentials and even deleted the bank connection which resulted in having Duplicate transactions which I have just finished sorting out again, is this going to be an ongoing issue or am I going to be forced to look elsewhere for a program that will work when I need it to work...any suggestions? Thanks Linda

    edited August 30, 2018
  • likimz1likimz1 Member Posts: 4

    Hi Lindaa, I feel your frustration. I'm also facing the same issue with my bank (Maybank2U). My transactions were also last updated 3 weeks ago. Thinking of uploading my statements, but worry it'll duplicate when it starts running again. Anyone else facing the same problem?

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @amrbackup.

    Wave will warn you about uploading the same file more than once, but it doesn't necessarily means duplicate files will be created.

    If this is still going on, I'm going to need a little bit more information. What's the format of your file?

    If it's a CSV, two reasons come to mind as to why this could be happening.

    • It could be a formatting issue. Wave is particular about the formatting of the statements you upload. Make sure you follow the guidelines found here.
    • There could be a character in your file that Wave is unable to read. The easiest way around this is to upload your CSV file in a Google Spreadsheet, re-export it as a CSV, and use this file on Wave.
  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Lindaa and @likimz.

    Have you checked the stickied post in the Bank Connections category? Here's a link to it. It explains a few of the reasons this can happen as well as present some troubleshooting steps.

    If you go through that and your connection still isn't working, give me the full name of you bank and the URL of the page you use to login to your online banking account. I'll be able to use that to dig a little further.

  • LindaaLindaa Member Posts: 12

    Hi alexia, yes I have read all that, I have had the odd transaction come through and the last one was the 6 March, it takes ages for it to connect, my bank is ANZ Personal and the link to it that I use when I log into the bank website and I never have any issues using it there, it is

    edited March 13, 2018
  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Lindaa, the problem wouldn't be with your bank's website exactly, but with how our third-party bank data provider connects to your bank. Banks occasionally block third-parties from accessing data altogether, or sometimes, they'll change something on the backend of their website which will stop the connection from working.

    Yodlee, our data provider, is always working to fix these issues in priority order, but given that they connect to over 10,000 banks world-wide, they can't always fix issues instantly. They'll notice errors in our users connections and will fix them as soon as they can.

    Until this bank connection is reliable enough to suit your needs, you might prefer uploading your bank statements manually, following the instructions found here.

  • amrbackupamrbackup Member Posts: 5

    as long as I stripped out any extra characters in the file it will upload, it still gives a warning about duplicates even though I changed the file name. it does upload.

  • VBANZVBANZ Member Posts: 2

    I wonder if this has been resolved, as I too am unable to connect to ANZ NZ bank a/c.
    It was working fine late 2018 prior to the Wave software upgrade.
    I rang ANZ and they say they no longer support WaveApps.
    I cannot even manually import the transactions into Wave which seems odd, and leaves me stuck with manual data entry.

  • LindaaLindaa Member Posts: 12

    mine is still working but I am looking at other accounting software as recently when we went to get a pre approval loan for buying a house they wouldn't accept the reports from Wave and would only use what I had from my accountant

    edited January 16, 2019
  • Ryan_WRyan_W Member Posts: 452 ✭✭✭

    @VBANZ it's one thing if your bank no longer allows for a connection to data aggregators like the one we use for the bank connection feature, simply because that's their choice to not support third party apps. However, if you're having issues uploading a bank statement, I recommend checking this thread to see if it describes what you're experiencing!

  • SusanfromNZSusanfromNZ Member Posts: 7

    I'm having issues with ANZ personal too on one of my waveapp accounts. It seems to have disconnected and won't reconnect. Yet on another waveapp account a different ANZ personal account does connect. I'm going mad trying to reconnect.

  • SamdSamd Member Posts: 552 ✭✭✭

    Hey @SusanfromNZ, my apologies about that. I took a look at connection statuses on our end and ANZ appears to be functioning with a minimum of errors, but can you let me know what you're seeing when you attempt to reconnect ANZ personal? On our end it looks like the two connections that failed have been deleted, but I should be able to get more insight if you try reconnecting again, or let me know what error it's giving you when you try to connect.

  • SusanfromNZSusanfromNZ Member Posts: 7

    Hi Samd,
    The account with the issue is *********@gmail.com. The message is "unable to connect please try again".

    edited February 15, 2019
  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hi @SusanfromNZ. I have sent a manually ping on my end to our data provider -- you should start to see things working as expected by then, if not, please let us know so we can do some further investigating with our data provider. I just thought I would clarify though -- do you notice that transactions are no longer importing correctly?

  • SusanfromNZSusanfromNZ Member Posts: 7

    Hi Jamie,
    The bank had totally dsconnected so I've been trying to reconnect. I did try to manually import the bank files as a CSV but had an issue with that too.


  • Ryan_WRyan_W Member Posts: 452 ✭✭✭

    @SusanfromNZ what type of issues did you have with the CSV upload? I only ask because there's a known local issue with NZ ISPs and how they're handling this upload. If you can, try connecting to a VPN before attempting to upload the CSV file and see if that helps!

  • SusanfromNZSusanfromNZ Member Posts: 7

    With the CSV upload I get the message "Something went wrong with your file upload. Try confirming the file type is an accepted file type".
    However I found "Wave Connect" last night and managed to upload my transactions. The only thing to be aware of is that you need to convert the date to American format to import the transactions. I do however still want to connect my ANZ bank and it's not happening.

  • ZoeCZoeC Member Posts: 388 admin

    Hey @SusanfromNZ! Great to hear that you're getting use of of one of our newer features, Wave Connect! :smile:

    In regards to your bank, I'm sorry that it is still not connecting. It does look like our data provider is still working on the connection to ANZ Bank and I'm afraid there is currently no ETA on a fix. I would advise for the time being to continue using Wave Connect until the connection is re-established, which hopefully is very soon!

  • LindaaLindaa Member Posts: 12

    @SusanfromNZ, are you in NZ or oversea's, I wonder if you need to add the extension Hola VPN (it is free) and have it set to New Zealand so it looks like your connecting from New Zealand and not overseas. I have to do this with a couple of sites I belong to with subscriptions

  • Jamie_ScottJamie_Scott Member Posts: 5

    @SusanfromNZ @Lindaa DId either of you have any resolution with connecting to ANZ Personal in NZ? Mine dropped out a few weeks ago and I haven't been able to establish a new connection. I just keep getting the message "unable to connect, please try again."

  • Jamie_ScottJamie_Scott Member Posts: 5

    UPDATE: This is the message from ANZ New Zealand re: supporting Wave:

    I am sorry that you are having this trouble! I have taken a look and had
    a chat to our team around this and it seems that the only account
    software that our bank connect with is as follows:

    • Xero
    • MYOB and
    • CashManager Rural

    This is due to the different security in place that the above providers
    offer. We have recently made the changes and I am sorry we will need to
    ask that you look to changing your account software if you wish to have
    your accounts mainly at ANZ.

    I have placed the feedback around taking a further look into adding WAVE
    as a verified provider once more. We do not often hear back until our
    team intend on making this change so we will notify you when this is
    made available.

    So ANZ NZ is no longer supporting Wave. Which means I can no longer support Wave - especially given their system hates CSV uploads. It is just no longer worth the time or hassle. Being free is no good if it doesn't work.

  • ZoeCZoeC Member Posts: 388 admin

    Hey @Jamie_Scott, thank you for the update here, for us on the Wave Team and the users who are waiting for an update on this. Our bank connections are drawn fully by our third party data provider which makes it difficult for us here to determine which connections we have access to and do not have access to.

    In regards to your CSV upload, I would be happy to look into this for you too! Please feel free to send me a DM and with your business info and the issues you are having and we can troubleshot together! :smile:

  • LindaaLindaa Member Posts: 12

    as I mentioned previously ANZ won't accept Wave's accounting for home loans so not worth me having Wave anymore so doing it myself

  • lenniellolenniello Member Posts: 2

    I am brand new to Wave and was setting up my account when I accidentally imported 8 months of duplicate transactions. Is there an easy way to delete them?
    I have turned off the automatic download of future transactions but how best to clean up the mess?

  • MikegMikeg Member Posts: 995 ✭✭✭

    Was the first batch categorized before the second import? If yes, since the second import would be uncategorized you could filter by that criteria. The second way is to go to Accounting/Transactions and select each one that is a duplicate and delete. You can select multiple items at one time. Should be easy if the dates are the same.

  • lenniellolenniello Member Posts: 2

    Unfortunately, I had not categorized the first batch before importing the second. I will hoping there might be an easier way than to go through the thousands of transactions individually and delete the duplicate, but if that is the only way...

  • AmandaKAmandaK Member Posts: 73 admin

    @lenniello Welcome to Wave and sorry to hear you're having issues with duplicate transactions! Did you import the duplicate transactions on a different day than the first version of the transactions? If so, you can go to your transactions page, click Filter > More filters, then filter by Last Modified Date (this is the date you uploaded the transactions, not the date of the transactions themselves) to find all the duplicate transactions and then delete them all in one go. Fingers crossed that this works for you! Otherwise, if you haven't spent too much time setting up your Wave account, I would suggest closing your original account and opening a new one so you don't need to manually delete so many transactions.

    edited August 25, 2019
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