Document Sequencing

KnsmeKnsme Member Posts: 2

I could not find way to digitally sequence (Auto numbering) Estimate, Invoice and all other documents.
This is very important control for any organization. Can I get any help or solution about it please?
Thanks in advance.


  • JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Knsme and welcome to the Wave Community Forum!

    Currently within Wave, auto numbering is built into the Invoicing and Estimates features. The numbering would be different for estimates and invoices so it is possible to have an Estimate 1 and Invoice 1. It sounds like the way that Wave handles numbering is not the way that you were hoping to see. Are you able to explain in further detail the issue that you are running into with the numbering? Additionally, are you able to let me know what you are hoping to achieve and I can see if there is another way to achieve this?

  • KnsmeKnsme Member Posts: 2
    @JordanD thanks for anticipation to my query.
    As per business specific standards every company keeps their own document sequencing. Some keeps prefixes and keeps remaining part as auto sequence.
    Some keeps year month and auto sequence. And so on.
    I think this document sequencing feature should be given as a setting feature for all types of documents. Basically it is internal control as per audit viewpoint.
    Also Delivery note or Delivery Order document is missing which technically is integral part of Sales Invoice. Document number for Delivery note and sales invoice should be same as per standard practices.
    Wave should look into this to further enhance its platform ability and capacity to cater business solution requirement.
    Nevertheless, I am technically equipped personnel and would love to be volunteer to wave community.
  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Knsme . Thanks for the detailed feedback on this, I definitely see how this would help your business out. In full transparency, these features are not currently on our roadmap, but I'd be happy to inform the product team with your feedback. Thanks again!

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