
Bill Payments

BreeBree Member Posts: 6

Is there a better way to pay a bill i have just created then to go back to the bills home screen, after saving the bill i just created, and then searching for it on the main bills screen and paying it through there. It would be convenient and expedite the process if after i saw the bill it takes me to a secondary screen where i can record a payment made to this bill before returning me to the main bills screen. I guess something almost like with the invoices how it has that secondary page to send and record payments.



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    EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Bree! I just answered a question about bills on another thread you had! Thanks for taking the time to share your questions and ideas - we appreciate it! I really like your idea about being taken to a secondary page for a bill, similar to the workflow for invoicing! At this stage the way you are doing it is correct. After you create the bill it will take you back to the main bills page. On that page you could try searching for specific key words to help locate the bill by using Ctrl + F (Windows) or ⌘ Command + F (Mac) :)

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