The "What if you get run over bus?" question

patbell101patbell101 Member Posts: 13

I am always asked what my disaster recovery plans are (the "bus" question). Can you advise what I should do to prepare for the unlikely situation of Wave vanishing off the internet?

edited March 31, 2021 in Using Wave


  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @patbell101! Thanks for an interesting question, not one I hear often! Generally speaking, Wave should not go vanishing off the internet anytime soon. However, to help mitigate losses in the event of a sudden destruction of our company, I'm thinking that the Data Export feature will be your bread and butter. Give that a shot, you'll find it in Settings > Data Export (way at the bottom of the list), and it'll export all of your transactional information from your account. If there's one last thing I can write before I go double check the emergency exits and fire escapes of our building, I'd say give the Wave Connect feature a read through as well, since that'll help you export customer and invoicing data, resulting in you having a pretty solid copy of all of the inner workings of your account! :)

    edited October 28, 2019
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