
Wave is discontinuing Bank Connections outside of the US and Canada



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    NeilRNeilR Member Posts: 14

    Straw, camel's back. I've tolerated some issues, I've implemented workarounds, but manually importing my transactions is a step too far. I would have been happy to pay for the feature, seeing as I have to pay for every other accounting service.

    I've got 19 years IT experience. Your reasoning quite frankly is BS and an attempt to spin it in a positive light.

    Ridiculous. I might as well go back to a spreadsheet.

    edited November 1, 2019
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    WesMWesM Member Posts: 3

    I really just need simple accounting for income and expenses tracking to have my things in order for tax time.
    Any recommendations for that? Rounded seems more aimed at the invoicing side of things.

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    __dontpanic____dontpanic__ Member Posts: 2

    I've taken a look at Rounded and it seems to cover most of the bases for basic invoicing/income/expense accounting for freelance/solo workers. Just kicking the tires at the moment, but so far so good. Will spend the next two weeks looking further into it. Happy to pay the $20/month and get everything migrated across sooner rather than later. The longer I stay on Wave, the more painful it will be to switch.

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    WesMWesM Member Posts: 3
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    HTE_AusHTE_Aus Member Posts: 1

    Hi. Sad to hear it. This is our exit point from Wave. I was wondering how the sale of Wave would impact things, now we know. An Australian Wave user shifting to MYOB. Very disappointed.

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    paddyhazardpaddyhazard Member Posts: 4

    Thanks for the info about Rounded - looks really promising and would much prefer to support an Australian company. Anyone got any information about how to migrate from wave to Rounded. Would be great if someone wrote a blog post about it. Maybe even get rounded themselves to show the steps.

    @sbb said:
    Well, this will certainly have the desired effect. You'll not have to worry about supporting any customers outside the US & Canada after this.


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    kyle_dearlekyle_dearle Member Posts: 1


    You have just rendered the system useless! I just don't understand this.
    If the support and maintenance of the system is costing too much, then please charge a monthly fee for features such as the transaction import.

    This statement shows your intent:
    "I’d be willing to pay for these services, would you build it then?
    Right now, supporting bank connections outside of North America is not the right business decision for us. In order to ensure that we are able to make feature investments while keeping our accounting and invoicing platforms free for users worldwide, we will continue to focus on growing our business in North America through our paid services in that region."

    In other words, "we don't give a shit about you, and have some other plans to make money." This is dumb, you could charge a fee from your existing customer base.

    My entire business runs through Wave. I actually can't believe this, what a disappointment.

    edited November 1, 2019
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    TribalMan_01TribalMan_01 Member Posts: 4

    This is a decision which will lead to creating competition where you once didn't have competition. And if you think this will only effect your customers outside of the US and Canada, you are mistaken.

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    disaster_barbiedisaster_barbie Member Posts: 1

    How disappointing! After signing up 4 business accounts to Wave and recommending it to any small business owner who will listen, I now have to scramble to sort something new out in 60 damn days.
    How thoughtless of you! You've been eaten by the machine and will be reaping the negative benefits that has to offer. Almost everybody has said they would be willing to pay for this feature. Your half-assed explanation for this is summed up in: We can't figure out complicated bank stuff, America first, screw you all, we won't stick by "we support small businesses". Goodbye!

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    Bye_byeBye_bye Member Posts: 1

    Haha i thought it was halloween, not April Fools Day.

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    MarkieDMarkieD Member Posts: 1

    The email announcement was not clear. **Please confirm: this does not affect customers who live in the U.S. and only have financial institutions in the U.S. and Canada. ** Thanks.

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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @MarkieD . This does not affect businesses in the U.S. and Canada.

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    NeilRNeilR Member Posts: 14

    @paddyhazard said:
    Thanks for the info about Rounded - looks really promising and would much prefer to support an Australian company. Anyone got any information about how to migrate from wave to Rounded. Would be great if someone wrote a blog post about it. Maybe even get rounded themselves to show the steps.

    @sbb said:
    Well, this will certainly have the desired effect. You'll not have to worry about supporting any customers outside the US & Canada after this.


    dontpanic said:

    I've taken a look at Rounded and it seems to cover most of the bases for basic invoicing/income/expense accounting for freelance/solo workers. Just kicking the tires at the moment, but so far so good. Will spend the next two weeks looking further into it. Happy to pay the $20/month and get everything migrated across sooner rather than later. The longer I stay on Wave, the more painful it will be to switch.

    Rounded didn't offer a general ledger or balance sheet when I last looked at it. Which may be an issue depending on your structure.

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    Jb_1949Jb_1949 Member Posts: 1
    Shame will have to look for another package was very happy with wave and the main reason was the auto upload also will have to advise my accountant who has been recommending wave since i joined to other clients i would think this will be the death toll for wave as this was the point of difference sorry was good while it lasted
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    ElementDigitalElementDigital Member Posts: 1

    XERO and MYOB can do it... why can't you?

    Even if it's for a small fee I'd be happy to pay for it!

    So now I have to find a new solution, import all of my clients, setup all of my recurring invoices and link all of my different expense account types to my bank statements.

    Thanks, thanks a lot!

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    DanieBesterDanieBester Member Posts: 2
    We’ve been using Wave for the past year, but will be looking at a different app now. It is a bit unscrupulous of Wave to give us two months to switch. Cheers
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    Just_a_freelancerJust_a_freelancer Member Posts: 1
    www.rounded.com.au is awesome. I’m in Australia. Signed up the minute this nonsense from Wave come out. Live chat support was great. Real people too LOL. Responded in less than a minute and helped me transfer data over. Was way to easy.
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    ratnasolratnasol Member Posts: 1

    i moved to slickpie and happy

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    doulajessicadoulajessica Member Posts: 3

    I would love to learn about free alternative accounting programs. In time I will be looking at a paid option, but for now need to stick with the free ones :(
    Any suggestions?

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    Carla_19Carla_19 Member Posts: 1

    Hi - I am located in the Caribbean and the Banking option is not seen. Is it that this option is not available to me?

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    JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Carla I moved your post into this thread which has more information about your specific question. Take a read through and let us know if you have any additional questions

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    RobynSheldonRobynSheldon Member Posts: 1

    Wave is still connecting to my bank for automatic downloads even though I live in South Africa. Have you changed your policy of discontinuing the automatic downloads at the end of December perhaps?

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    thisiscarlnielsenthisiscarlnielsen Member Posts: 1

    Is this still true? We seem to still be getting feeds.

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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @RobynSheldon + @thisiscarlnielsen . The team left the bank connections running for a few days on the back end to ensure that all transactions up until Dec 31 actually hit your account. Can you confirm whether or not you're still seeing imports as these should have stopped by now.

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    JamesBeeJamesBee Member Posts: 2

    Very disappointing. I just double-checked my emails - I didn't get any notice at all until January 15 2020 - two weeks after the downgrade. Mid financial year for me too.

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    StoneyCreekerStoneyCreeker Member Posts: 1
    Connections to RBC are also not working. Is Canada cut off too? :'(
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    D_Watts_2356D_Watts_2356 Member Posts: 4

    We've tried 3 alternatives to Wave since this announcement. Paid and free apps. None have all of the features Wave has. Each has some, but none had all. The most important is the bank feeds, followed by a quote hyperlink whereon we can have our weekly availability list and pricing for our produce that our clients just click on (this saves multiple steps in terms of keeping our clients aware of availability and invoicing).
    Manual bank transaction uploads are still available with Wave but its manual and that's unmanageable. Has anyone found, or is there a way to automate the bank feeds with a go-between app like Zapier or something else? Something that takes the overhead off of the user having to do this manually?
    Lastly, Wave, if you don't want to manage the varying complexities of banks why not partner with someone like Zapier to take that load off? I think so many folks would stick with Wave if this was solved.

    G'Day Farm, Queensland Australia.

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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @StoneyCreeker , our third party aggregator is experiencing outages with RBC, and although we don't have an ETA at the moment, they are working on a fix. If you do need to get transactions into Wave in the meantime, check out our Google Sheets integration called Wave Connect.

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    Holiday_RoadsHoliday_Roads Member Posts: 3

    Used Wave for 5 Years, really liked the Software and then, because I was an Australian they shafted me, simply cut off Bank feeds outside the USA. I have since purchased another programme, does the same job.
    Self promotion over useless superficial developments might keep the Wave Marketing boffins in a job, however without basics like Bank Feeds the programme is useless. Took forever to export my transactions and then load into my new programme, thanks for nothing Wave, Good luck with your silly marketing, I won't be back.

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    HermanHerman Member Posts: 6

    Problems seem to have started when Wave, a Canadian company, was taken over by H&R Block, an American company.

This discussion has been closed.