Bank Statement Upload NOT WORKING!!

dangosarecutedangosarecute Member Posts: 14

I've tried to import a CSV twice, and the transactions aren't being shown in Wave!!!
What's happening??


  • dangosarecutedangosarecute Member Posts: 14

    Update: the transactions became visible all of a sudden.

    The problem should still be considered though

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @dangosarecute

    Thanks for updating us on this. The CSV uploader can take a bit of time depending on how many transactions you're uploading. If you haven't check out this article on troubleshooting your CSV upload please do.

  • OctaveOctave Member Posts: 2

    I have tried uploading a bank statement several times. The uploader checks the file and reports that there may be duplicates (which I am aware of). I then get thrown into the transaction listing screen with the comment that the transactions are being uploaded and I can continue to work etc. I have done this several times - leaving window open etc - and then the message disappears and there are no new transactions imported. I am only importing some 20 transactions.

  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Octave! Thanks for listing out your challenge here, sorry this is giving you grief. Have you still not seen any new transactions import? Would love to see what this looks like on your end at present.

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