
can't reconcile statements in personal...

BradFinkeldeiBradFinkeldei Member Posts: 1

Hi can someone check out this video.. I can't seem to get the personal side to show the reconciliation? It shows in the business side but not personal anylonger?



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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @BradFinkeldei

    Thanks so much for this video, it was very helpful.

    In regards to being invited as an editor user on a business, you will be able to access the transactions page. However when it comes to a personal account, you will want to be added as the admin. This will give you full access to the transactions page. If you can reach out to the account owner and ask them to change your permission to Admin just on the personal account, this will give you access to their transactions page.

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