
Bank upload does not import



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    TomekTomek Member Posts: 2

    It did the work @Alexia. Thank you, you’re a lifesaver

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Happy to hear it, @Tomek.

    Clearing your cache and doing a hard refresh will resolve just about everything that can go wrong with Wave! They're both great first troubleshooting steps to go through if you run into any issues with any website, to be perfectly honest!

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    KemiKemi Member Posts: 1

    Hi @Alexia, I am unable to upload a CSV file, I have tried everything. What can I do please please please please please. It acts like its loading and shows the progress message, but the data never comes in.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Kemi,

    There was an issue with uploading CSV files over the weekend, but if you're still experiencing problems now, try clearing logging out of Wave, clearing your browser's cache, doing a hard refresh (that's CTRL+Shift+R) and logging back on again. It worked for a few other users who have had a similar issue recently.

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    Fanou101Fanou101 Member Posts: 1

    SOLUTION: I noticed that I had my bank accounts on automatic update, and presumably WaveApps is trying to take of that business first before handling any manual bank statement upload requests. If there are any issues with automatic bank updates, then WaveApps will spin its wheels (and not tell you!) and never get around to processing manual uploads. Once I turned off automatic bank account updates, WaveApps began processing the manual upload queue immediately. Unfortunately for me, I had made several repeated manual upload attempts, so that I ultimately wound up with several duplicate entries.

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    bhimabibhimabi Member Posts: 5

    I have tried uploading my csv multiple times. Everything goes smoothly and i get this message
    "Your transactions are being imported from your bank statement. Please check back in a few minutes."

    i have uploaded a few times and in the past hour i still have no seen the transcations updated. I also tried clearing the cache like you mentioned

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    Ryan_WRyan_W Member Posts: 452 ✭✭✭

    @bhimabi since this can take some time to import, are you still having this issue? If you are, did it result in any error messages which you can share in a screenshot here?

    Edit: I just saw your follow up post that all is well here which is great!

    edited March 7, 2019
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    SouthwestsurfhouseSouthwestsurfhouse Member Posts: 1

    Hi, So I am still unable to upload any statements to any accounts. It says its uploading, but the transactions never appear in anywhere. Ive tried all the steps in this thread numerous times. Its been a few hours now and still nothing. Anyone have any advice? Much appreciated

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    ZoeCZoeC Member Posts: 388 admin

    Hey @Southwestsurfhouse, I'm sorry to hear that you are having some difficulty getting your statements uploaded. Are they in CSV format?

    If so, this upload really only recognizes three columns; date, description, and amount. The date column must be in the following format: MM/DD/YYYY for example it would be put in as 03/17/2019. Special characters such as #, &, $, * will cause an issue and we recommend removing these from your document.

    Additionally, files with more than 100 rows tend to not upload. If your file has more than 100 rows, please break it into smaller files, each with no more than 100 rows, and upload each individually.

    Another thing to note is that, Wave supports the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, and Edge, any other browser might be the cause of your transactions to not be imported.. I also recommend that you try using Wave with browser extensions disabled. I hope this helps! :smile:

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