
Customer name in invoice sent via email

ycpangycpang Member Posts: 2


I used to see my customer's companyname appear in email sent out by wavepapps to a recipient who is suppose to receive the invoice in email

It is something like Invoice #number For #comoany name follow by the link to view invoice online.

With this, we are able to know which company is the invoice suppose to reach via email if allow "send a copy to myself".

This feature is no longer available in latest Wavepapps and I wonder if there is anyway we can still remain it.



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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @ycpang.

    No, it's isn't possible to go back to the old format. If you need to add additional information to that e-mail, you can add to the email before sending it, however, if it's something that's absolutely required for your client.

    Is there a specific reason you would need to see that information on the email itself, as opposed to the just on the invoice?

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