
What happens to recurring invoices if the prices goes up?

DDavidsonDDavidson Member Posts: 1

Sorry, I haven't been able to find the answer to this .... but if you have a recurring invoice and the price goes up from say £50 to £60 (amended in the Products & Services), are the subsequent recurring invoices updated automatically or do you have to change them all manually? Many thanks


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    EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hey @DDavidson! Thanks for reaching out! That is a good question. At the moment, if you make an update to your account, it will not reflect on the recurring invoice. This would have to be done manually. You'll have to go back into your recurring invoices and edit them to reflect the changes! Hope that helps :)

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    daveneldavenel Member Posts: 3

    I vote up 1 to have the system automatically update future recurring invoices when a Product & Service price, name or description is changed

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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey @davenel

    Thanks for the +1 on this. The more traction we get the better the more visibility it gets for our product team when implementing future changes.

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    ArneNArneN Member Posts: 1

    Hi, we want to use recurring invoiuces for our annual membership fee collection. Would be desirable that if our fee changes the next invoice run would pick that change up

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    JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @ArneN ! For automatic recurring invoice payments, this functionality is not possible since your client must agree to the invoice total before enabling automatic credit card payments for recurring invoices. This is a standard safety and security protocol.

    However, you can make this adjustment for recurring invoices that do not have automatic payments enabled. If your fee changes and you would like to apply those changes to a preexisting recurring invoice, you can do so by heading over to Sales > Recurring Invoices > press the recurring invoice in question > Edit. When editing the recurring invoice, you can adjust the invoice amount. However, the changes will only apply to newly generated invoices and wont be applied retroactively.

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    WonderWonder Member Posts: 19 ✭✭

    Wow, I asked this question years ago and it doesn't look like it's been addressed. I have many recurring invoices (domain names) that are subject to price changes.

    Recurring invoices are great for automation but if I need to manually go in to each invoice to update not only does that open up to human error, it's a mammoth data entry task.

    It would be so much easier if the product itself could be updated and reflected that pricing in any new invoices (single or recurring). Otherwise, I have to set my recurring invoices to send manually and check the pricing each time which negates the real automation benefit of such a tool....it merely functions as only a reminder then.

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    WonderWonder Member Posts: 19 ✭✭

    Wow, I asked this question years ago and it doesn't look like it's been addressed. I have many recurring invoices (domain names) that are subject to price changes.

    Recurring invoices are great for automation but if I need to manually go in to each invoice to update not only does that open up to human error, it's a mammoth data entry task.

    It would be so much easier if the product itself could be updated and reflected that pricing in any new invoices (single or recurring). Otherwise, I have to set my recurring invoices to send manually and check the pricing each time which negates the real automation benefit of such a tool....it merely functions as only a reminder then.

    Surely this is a big problem for many people?

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