
Recording Payment to Multiple Invoices at once

BJsladeBJslade Member Posts: 1
I invoice multiple times a day but send weekly and monthly statements to clients. When I receive payment it's in one lump sum. So I spend hours posting payments due to the fact I have to do them individually. Is there a quicker way or is that something you may be working on to improve productivity? Like having a check box aside each invoice to select multiple at once. Few of my clients pay 50 to 100 invoices all at once.


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    EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hey @BJslade! Wow! If you are receiving deposits that cover up to 100 invoices, I can see why you would be interested in a feature that allows you to select multiple invoices at once to apply split payments to. While this is a great feature idea, we currently do not have anything in the works for it. As Wave is based at entrepreneurs and small business owners, the features have not been built out to accommodate larger invoice processing. I realize it is a generalization that all small business owners do not usually invoice this much per month so hopefully this is something we can change in the future!

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    JuanVarelaJuanVarela Member Posts: 1

    Not sure if this feature was added recently but I record single deposits to pay multiple invoices. I use: Accounting/Transactions/Add_Income/Deposit{enter_payment_received}/Split_this_deposit/Category{Payment_Received_for_an_Invoice_in_Wave}.
    This will show outstanding invoices.

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    AccountsProAccountsPro Member Posts: 103 ✭✭

    @JuanVarela thanks for that valuable time-saving information! I will definitely give that a shot.

    edited October 5, 2020
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