
Add New Customer

ziazia Member Posts: 5

When creating a new invoice, I often find it frustrating that I have to click randomly and several times on the "add new customer" box to bring up the search field for existing customers. Is there a shortcut?



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    EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hey @zia! Sorry to hear about the trouble you're having with this. When you click 'Add a Customer' it should work on the first attempt. I've included a screenshot from my account - is this the same place you are referring to in your account? If so, there isn't a shortcut for this. Let me know if it is otherwise!

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    ziazia Member Posts: 5

    Hi @EmmaP ! Indeed, this is the box I am referring to. The trouble is actually when I am trying to create an invoice for an existing customer. Clicking brings up either the new customer field or the search an existing customer, but there is no rhyme or order. If I am looking to add a new customer, I can do so from the search for an existing customer tab that comes up. But when the new customer one comes up, I have to close it then click again in the hope that the search for an existing customer field will appear.
    This is why I was wondering whether one or the other could be brought up through right click vs left click etc?
    Would greatly appreciate your input!

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    ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @zia! Totally hearing you on this one. When I'm clicking on my 'Add a customer' box in my account, I'm seeing it come up only as the existing customers, with a 'Create a customer' link at the bottom of the list. For the sake of our troubleshooting here, can you try to get a screenshot of the two different list views that you're seeing? That'd really help our teams to troubleshoot this together :)

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    ziazia Member Posts: 5

    Hi @ConnorM , thank you. I have caught a screenshot for you. I hope this helps!

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    ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @zia, thanks for bringing this up! It looks like, somehow, the button seems to click the list view of your customers sometimes. I'm going to bringing this up with my teams to investigate, and I'll be in touch with any updates via DM! :)

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    ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    @zia Just following up here - can you let me know how long your customer list currently is? Roughly how many customers do you have?

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