Can I have GST/sales tax per item show on the invoice

SharossShaross Member Posts: 1

I know this has been asked elsewhere but I want to make sure I have up-to-date info. I love Wave and think it does a wonderful job - but have just hit a stumbling block that means I will need to move off it if I can't find a solution - so any ideas are welcome.

I've just registered for GST (sales tax) in Australia and when I invoice, I can add GST per item, or not. Which is great - exactly what I need. Until I review the invoice and it only shows the accumulative/total amoung of GST - and does not supply to my customers the GST per item. This can be particularly problematic as some items I sell do not attract GST and some do - so they can't see which the GST applies to.

The only 'solution' I can find when looking online is to add this manually to the Notes section, but this won't work for a number of reasons - too manual, risk of error, looks awful etc etc.

Is there any other way around this? Or is Wave looking at bringing this in as a new feature soon - as it seems a pretty fundamental accounting need from my laymans understanding.

I'd love to not leave Wave, but the tax man and his needs will win out everytime, and it may mean a move to Xero or similar (again, any suggestions for very small business accounting systems also appreciated).

Thanks in advance :)


  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭


    Hey Shari! I'm hearing you loud and clear. Unfortunately, right now, showing tax by line item is not something that's on our roadmap. I get you, the tax man will totally win out every time, and if this pushes you away from the platform for the time being, then I'm very sorry to do so.

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