
Item Lists

DSCDSC Member Posts: 5

I am VERY new to this software, but liking it so far.. I see that I can add items when I create an estimate or invoice. BUT, is there a way that I can go in and bulk load items with the costs and the markup, so when I add them to an estimate the drop down menu is filled already with stock items? For example, we make "stuff", lol.. So there are a basic number of items we manufacture that use "items" from stock that we keep on hand.. when building an estimate it would be nice to have them in a list to grab with one click (with purchase cost and sell cost already loaded) so we can populate the estimate or invoice for the customer quickly.. Thanks!

Addition - This would be similar or in place of or I could use the "Product" drop down menu as the item list..

Also we don't use the entire product ( say a 4x8 sheet of wood, but we only use half, so that would be an "item" or "product" that woudl go in the populated drop down list..

Maybe there is a developer tool in the works?

edited February 28, 2018 in Accounting Feature Ideas


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @DSC.

    There's currently no way to add products in bulk, but your best bet would be to check out the Products and Services page, under Sales. It'll allow you to enter all your products ahead of time. You can't, however, auto-populate your invoices.

    Your best way around that would be to create a template invoice as a draft, or an estimate, and create your future invoices as duplicate of that draft or estimate.

    Can you tell me a little more about your business? It'll give me a better idea of exactly what you're looking for. What would one of your invoices look like?

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    DSCDSC Member Posts: 5

    It is a manufacturing company .. I used to be 10+ employees, but now I am just 2 and I got rid of the big expenses and the comprehensive system we used to have.. this seems like it can work, I just need to figure out how to tweak it a bit.. can you respond to the developer tool question?

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @DSC, what kind of a tool would you be looking for? We do not currently have a publicly available API, if that's what you're wondering. As for whether or not this is in the work, I can tell you that it's on our mind and that we are aware that there's demand for it.

    If there's something specific you have in mind, I'd encourage you to make a feature request under Wave Features, following the guidelines presented here.

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    DSCDSC Member Posts: 5

    Ok Thank you!

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    ErrollErroll Member Posts: 1

    Hi Alexia, I see a lot of comment about manufacturing. Do you have any capacity to build products or do you have an app that integrates with Wave?

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    SamdSamd Member Posts: 552 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Erroll, right now we're only web-based, although we do have the two mobile apps, Receipts and Invoices by Wave. Depending on the sort of functionality you're looking for in terms of integrations, we've been working with Zapier specifically on payment related integrations. Wave is able to integrate with supported online shopping services through our partner, Zapier; they facilitate integrations between a multitude of online services for users such as yourself.

    In short, Zapier connects 2, or more, services together using these principles: if Service #1 performs a TRIGGER, Zapier can send instructions to Service #2 to record a secondary ACTION. For example, if Shopify creates a sale transaction, Wave can be told to create a matching transaction on your Transactions page. These chain reactions are called "Zaps".

    To get started, you will have to create a Zapier account. You can do that, and find a full description of what triggers/actions are available for Wave, by visiting this page. You can also find a list of pre-made Zaps that you can utilize here.

    Should you be interested, we also made our API public recently. You can read more about it on our Partner Page and sign up directly on our developer page. You can find helpful articles, reach out to our API team or other developers using Wave’s APIs, as well as the ticket submission form for developers directly on our Developer Portal here: https://developer.waveapps.com/hc/en-us/articles/360020333712-Support-and-Resources

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