Share Personal account with spouse

seakayseakay Member Posts: 9

Hi there,

I am using Wave for personal use only. I think I accidentally invited my husband Brian to the business account not the personal account (which is no big deal; I just made up a business name and am not using it, trying to get it archived - I found a similar thread and commented for help archiving or deleting that). My goal was to give him access to the personal account, so we can manage our finances together. I went in under the correct (Personal) account and tried to add a user, but the website keeps giving me an error message for that page:
Something is broken on this page
Our technical team has been alerted and is working on a solution
Error code: d7699e07e3da40f586e5dfe8f6cb2096

Am I able to add my husband as a collaborator with full Admin access to my personal account? Happy to send both email address to a support email if it's easier for you to add him, but I couldn't find a support email address anywhere.



  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @seakay

    Can you try removing your husband on the settings > user management section and seeing if you're then able to add him on the personal account? Also just curious which browser are you using? Typically some of these actions cannot be processed using Internet Explorer. If you're not already trying this on Chrome please do. Otherwise if you could reach out with a screenshot of the error we'd be happy to investigate further!

  • seakayseakay Member Posts: 9

    Oh god no, I never use Internet Explorer! I've been using Firefox, but just tried in Chrome. I appreciate the tip. I was able to delete him from fake business account and send an invite for the Personal account. He's busy at work, but hopefully we'll be able to get him set up seeing the account tonight. Opening it in Chrome also allowed me to access the Transactions page, which has an error message in Firefox. I still am not able to archive the account through Chrome though.

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