How do I know if Wave is RIGHT for my business?

gaussieredgaussiered Member Posts: 6

hey Wavers - I used to love wave 7 years ago but stopped using it due to limited tax options and use of multiple currencies . So i went back to excel & eventually moved to Quickbooks , which is a confusing nightmare.

I'd like to move BACK to wave but I'm not sure if WAVE now has everything I want & need to run my business. Before I schedule a paid call with a consultant, how do i make sure WAVE is right for me?

Please help & thank you in advance

edited March 31, 2021 in Using Wave


  • MikegMikeg Member Posts: 995 ✭✭✭

    I guess it is going to depend on the type of business you have and what level of management reports you need. For my purposes and many of the clients I service, Wave is just fine.

  • EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hey @gaussiered! Thanks for reaching out! As Mike said, it does depend on your business. You can always create a Wave account and have a look around (as this is free). You can also checkout our Help Center for lots of guides and FAQs on Wave features!

  • GrantWHallGrantWHall Member Posts: 24

    @gaussiered, we started like @EmmaP suggested - we created a Wave account and a Play business account. We actually still have the Play Business and we use that account when we want to go try something, write some documentation...etc. and not screw up our live, or real, account.

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