login issue after sending collaborator invitation

rik_08rik_08 Member Posts: 6

Dear all, can any one help us here PLEASE?? The company has been used WAVE for a while, and never had any problem. But recently, after the main email account holder sent a collaborator invitation to me (i am new to the company), then the issues came in. 1st of all, I have never logged in to my wave account successfully, it keeps telling me that 'pls provide valid user name and password'. even after i reset my password, still couldn't login. Then i have to use my colleagues wave account to do some works. And from here, my two colleagues start to 'failed login' too. They both had to reset the password, and it seems to solve the problem for a little while. But now one of the colleague failed to login again! The other colleague experienced something different, which is she can login at office (using office PC), but as soon as she got home (using her personal laptop), then she failed. These login issue has driven us crazy! and it all seems to happen after sending that collaborator invitation. any ideas PLEASE ?


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @rik_08.

    I'm not seeing any collaborators added to your account, but I am seeing two separate emails. When more than one email addresses are set as "Business Owner" they don't count as separate accounts, but as alternative login name. Both emails would use the same password.

    To check if this is what's been done, you need to click on your business' name in the top left corner of your screen and go to "Manage your profile". On that page, check "Email and connected accounts".

    If you see more than one email address there, that's what happened. You'll need to have any email that isn't the owner's email address deleted from there, so that it may be added as a collaborator instead. To add a collaborator, follow the steps outlined here.

    Let me know if you have any questions!

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