
No online payment button on my invoices

nicecapnicecap Member Posts: 4

Hi there,
I am running 2 accounts in my waveapps - one is for US customers (currency USD), one for customers in Germany (currency EUR).
I get the "online payments on/off" button in my USD account but NOT in my EUR account.
Can I get the online payments option in EUR account too? If yes, how? If not, is there another option to have my German customers pay online using their credit card?
Thank you for any help.



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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    @nicecap Hey Chris. Payments is only available for North American businesses that are based in the same currency as their location. This means that it isn't currently possible to accept payments with a US based business in EUROs I'm afraid.

    edited December 17, 2019
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    nicecapnicecap Member Posts: 4

    Hey Alex - thanks for making that clear. I had the same problem/request 2 or 3 years ago and have been hoping for a solution by now. Maybe something for the wishlist for the new year ;-)

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    nicecapnicecap Member Posts: 4

    Hi Alex.
    I have to come back to this post.

    Recently I sent out some invoices to my German customers.

    It turned out that the same customer once got an invoice WITH online payment button and the next invoice a few days later he got an invoice WITHOUT online payment option.

    This is a EUR currency customer based in EU.

    It's ok if online payment won't work for EU customers but I definitely should know what Waveapps is doing here. If the online payment button is not available I will send my own payment link, if it is available I won't do that. Customer should not get the impression that I do not know what I am doing or get confused by several payment buttons in the email or one time so, next time so.

    Thank you.

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    ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @nicecap! I'm sorry to hear about the discrepancies you've been seeing around the availability of the payments button. Just for troubleshooting's sake, were both of those invoices sent in the same currency? Definitely a bit of a tricky one, I'd love to look into this further with you!

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    nicecapnicecap Member Posts: 4

    Hey Alex,
    I sent out seven invoices these days and all of them had a "Pay with Card" button. I don't know why. All of the invoices were in EURO. 2 of them had been paid already so it looks like this is now the common setting and it works. I would leave it like that for now and come back to you when I find another discrepancy between certain EURO invoices.
    Thank you Alex - have a nice Christmas time.

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