South Africa Wavers

AccountsProAccountsPro Member Posts: 103 ✭✭

Hi Everyone, I'm in Margate, KZN, South Africa.

Where are you based in RSA and how are you enjoying WaveApps?

I've been using it with my clients for over a year, and its awesome. Some use it just for invoicing and others for actually doing their books monthly or annually.


  • AccountsProAccountsPro Member Posts: 103 ✭✭

    Nobody at all?

  • RobinSRobinS Member Posts: 13

    Not in SA, but grew up there until we left in 1994 to live in Canada.
    I am very interested in how your clients in SA handle the payments their customers make online.
    Here in Canada and the USA - we use the Wave Payment Gateway (but that I have been told is only available in NA). In the UK, they support Stripe - but that is also (according to the Strip website not available in SA). I am looking for some of my affiliated groups in SA to use the same membership platform that we use in Canada and the USA where we do annual membership invoicing (starting this month) through Wave and encourage our members to pay online to reduce the wrk of the treasurer.

  • AccountsProAccountsPro Member Posts: 103 ✭✭


    Hi Robin!

    Awesome to hear from you

    I actually don't have any SA clients that use payment gateways through WaveApps - the majority of my clients using integrated payment systems with their invoicing software are offshore. Most of those use PayPal.

    However, that being said, and knowing how plugins work, I am sure if you search you would probably find local payment providers that can integrate with WaveApps Invoice System.

    My local clients mainly use POS systems and collect payment from their walk-in customers over the counter - although one or two of my local clients use PayPal and/or EFT payment systems which are not integrated with WaveApps.

    If you are looking for local payment gateway companies let me know, I can send you a few links.


  • RobinSRobinS Member Posts: 13

    In the past we also used PayPal (in fact for member convenience we are still accepting it), but it does not integrate with Wave - so payments have to be recorded manually in Wave.
    Probably the same is true for many other payment processing systems.
    The challenge with all of these other processors is that while many of them will send you some sort of notification of a payment of $nnn being made by Name or - it will not provide the invoice number unless the payer enters this manually (and that is prone to error). You also cannot rely on the email address provided by the processor as the payment may have been made a person with a different email address than the invoice recipient. Added to that a single 'customer' may have more than 1 outstanding invoice - so how do you then assign the payment automatically.
    Ah the joys of finding viable solutions
    Anyway - if you could let me know which are the more popular payment processors in SA - that would be greatly appreciated.

  • AccountsProAccountsPro Member Posts: 103 ✭✭


    Hi Robin

    Yes, that is always the issue, how can the invoice be automatically updated with the payment data, and show as paid.

    Here is a link to an article that lists some of the most popular gateways - however, I do recommend you research each one.

    The Gateways on the above list that I am familiar with are PayGate and PayFast.


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