Using Wave as a Bookkeeper of Multiple Businesses

Bren_95Bren_95 Member Posts: 2
Hi, Wave Community! (*wave*)

I couldn't find another way of asking this, but how would I go about using Wave to manage the books of a few small businesses, and not just my own? Would I set up multiple accounts, or what is recommended?

Thank you for your input... and thank you Wave for an amazing service.



  • MikegMikeg Member Posts: 995 ✭✭✭

    I use it for my own business and do bookkeeping for clients on Wave. I have some clients where I set them using the owners email or businesses that already have a Wave account. In either case they can add your email as the bookkeeper so that when you login into your account you can see theirs as well.

  • Bren_95Bren_95 Member Posts: 2

    @Mikeg Thanks a million, Mike. This is just the info I needed! Regards

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