Multiple sales taxes show up in multiple lines in invoices

RRTSRRTS Member Posts: 19

Hello. Where I do business I have a set amount of State tax to charge, and then depending on my geographical area I may have one or two local sales taxes to charge. For instance, if I invoice a customer in a certain county, I must charge them the State tax rate of 6.875% + a county tax rate of 0.5% for a total of 7.325%.
On the customer's invoices, I only want to show them a singe line of "Sales Tax: $ XX.XX" that would be the total of all taxes I add on the line items. But as it sits now, the total line lists each tax separately and this is not graceful.

I have gotten around this by creating a total tax for each geographical area, but this presents a problem with my sales tax reports as I don't have a clear amount that I'm owed to each tax bucket. So instead, on my sales tax reports I want the taxes split out so I know how much to pay on each bucket - total for state, each county, etc.

There is an option in the settings for "this is a compound tax" but I don't see how that applies to my situation.

Thanks for any help, Cheers.

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