
Updates and Suggestion Box

Bobbi_Lee80Bobbi_Lee80 Member Posts: 1

Hello everyone,
I am loving Wave! It is perfect for my small business in Colorado! Thank you for all the updates, you guys are really on top of this system and making it better and better!! I have a few suggestions for a hopeful future update...

The ability to sort the transaction list from lowest$ to Highest$ - I am constantly getting duplicate transactions when the list updates, and I would love to be able to sort by amount to quickly weed them out.

Paying bills...
Now, you select the payment transaction and attach it to the bills in the system. If the payment is a monthly statement that has multiple bills that were paid at one time, this is a very long drawn out process! It would be much more effecient if we were able to select multiple bills from the list under Purchases and from there select the one payment that will be applied to all of them.

Hope these suggestions would also be helpful to the rest of the community! And, that they are in fact possible!! :)

Thank you so much,


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    ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Bobbi_Lee80! Thanks for taking the time to reach out here, and for your kind feedback! I'm really excited that you've been enjoying the updates to the platform, and we hope to continue to keep that positivity going. As far as these suggestions, we really do appreciate them, and I've moved your post into the 'Feature Ideas' section of our Community, which is where our developers will comb for ideas from time to time! Thank you very much for taking the time out of your day to follow up with us here.

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